Example sentences of "before she [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday evening , just before she 'd bolted to the safety of her bedroom , he really had seemed different , more … relaxed , human .
2 She swept back a handful of Lucy 's hair and pinned it up , first on one side and then on the other ; but before she 'd reached for the scissors to begin , Charlie 's face appeared around the doorway .
3 ‘ I was just telling you about this girl and what her mother said on the night before she got married to the sailor . ’
4 She inched towards him , daring him to move before she had shaken off the latest man to accost her .
5 Long before she had come to the end of her story Charlie was saying , ‘ You 're a wonder , Becky Salmon , a positive wonder . ’
6 Her only regret was that Dr Neil did not buy the Clarion Cry so that so far the only piece of her work which she had seen in print was the one which she had written before she had arrived in the East End .
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