Example sentences of "though they [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is partly true , as in collisions with thirteen stones on the hoof ( as rugby commentators frequently put it ; though they 're usually dealing with some what ‘ healthier ’ weights ) I usually end up bouncing off .
2 Arthur Thomas , quality , finance and planning manager for research and technology in the Wilton Materials Centre , says that reaction has been mixed : ‘ At first it was greeted by some of the senior managers as ‘ hyped up ’ JS jargon , though they 're fully committed to the process now .
3 It is never very apparent what Freudian claims are based on , though they are widely accepted in our culture .
4 He tells us that he ‘ spent months researching ’ ( citations from his letter , The Art Newspaper No. 22 , October 1992 , p.3 ) the texts which he uses in his work at the Neue Galerie at Kassel and he criticises me for ‘ forgetting ’ these texts which took him so long to research , even though they are clearly mentioned in the second , fourth and fifth paragraphs of my article which comprises only seven paragraphs .
5 The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity , though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate .
6 Wasters , as old Sam once said , ‘ are their own worst enemies , though they are generally found amongst the ranks of those who rail at the injustices of the world . ’
7 Emerson , Lake , Bruford and Palmolive win every category in the NME poll even though they are never featured in the paper and no one will admit voting for them .
8 Lebanon is not elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible usually connected with burning and while it is natural enough — even while we are still in line A — to suppose that it is the trees of Lebanon that are for burning , even though they are typically used for building , it is impossible to discern from line A what purpose is in view in burning Lebanon 's trees , and thus why Lebanon 's trees are insufficient for burning .
9 Though they are contemptuously referred to as ‘ page turners ’ , they are nevertheless texts and can engage the attention of those reading them , even developing patterns of thought which may affect the real world , as Disraeli 's novels did in the last century .
10 These are amorphous , highly stable , dark brown or black cuticular pigments which are generally non-granular and are insoluble in the usual solvents though they are rapidly decolorized by oxidizing agents .
11 A total of 364 economists , almost one for each day of the year , dispatched a formal letter to The Times denouncing the government 's economic approach as ruinous — though they were soon matched by a similarly large number of economists who were prepared to endorse it .
12 His clothes clung to his tall , slender frame , though they were slightly mussed after being slept in for a week .
13 The linen area was unheated , and though they were well protected from the ravages of the wind she was aware of her damp clothing chilling her skin , the rough chattering of her teeth .
14 " It almost looks as though they were just going through the cupboards , examining the stuff , as it were , the plainclothes man said .
15 The record high interest rates were attractive to holders of sterling even though they were also damaging to business .
16 For a man born in the north-east , where the tradition and practice of the joint board was strong , such sentiments were hardly surprising , though they were usually received by shipowners either with amusement at their naivety or with anger at their effrontery .
17 Madonna and Jackson never have mixed — even professionally , though they were once set to work together on a duet .
18 Despite the 1984 break with the IMF , economic stringency measures remained in force though they were gradually reduced in the following years .
19 Carol II was sympathetic to pseudo-fascist architecture and several of the most brutal pillar-and-concrete buildings in the capital were put up in his reign , though they were smoothly filled by the personnel of the new regime after 1944 .
20 They suggested that by being out at night the young women had contributed in some way to their own rapes , even though they were merely returning by bus to their homes .
21 Schools with collaborative cultures were friendly and secure places in which to work , but they were not cosy ; differences between members were openly tackled and though they were often resolved through compromise , this was not always an easy process .
22 Though they were much used in Baroque times for aria accompaniment , they have largely fallen out of use , and as the chaconne construction is an art and study in itself we can make no more than a passing mention here .
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