Example sentences of "though it [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though it 's now based in Montreal , the ensemble is dedicated to keeping alive the traditional dancing of its native country .
2 I say rightly so because Herbert Spencer 's theory of evolution was fundamentally different from Darwin 's , even though it 's often confused with it .
3 There is a great deal of scalic movement , though it is mostly hidden by notes leaping out of direction and back again .
4 Supplied on compact disk , NetWare SunLink runs on SunOS 4.1. x operating systems and above , under the Open Look graphical environment , though it is also supplied with a command line interface .
5 It appears to have undergone reduction in the Endopterygota , though it is probably represented by the dense reticulation present in certain orders of Exopterygota such as the Odonata .
6 But he stresses that the progress in contemplative experience , reformation in feeling developing from reformation in faith , is part of an organic process of growth to a peace and fulfilment the longing for which is innate in man who may mistakenly and unnaturally think it resides in material circumstances : Scale 2 is pervaded by a sense of the reality of a dimension to human experience beyond the confines of time and sin , though it is only accessed through them .
7 Nor do I feel compelled to depart from that conclusion by the fact that , under the present practice , a local authority which acts as a relator in a relator action is required to give an undertaking in damages even though it is so proceeding in order to enforce the law in the public interest .
8 It is not bard to imagine legionaries marching briskly along this track because , even though it is now walled as a result of the nineteenth-century enclosures , it runs straight as a spear across the fell , totally unlike the whirligig roads of the drovers and packmen .
9 Why he did not sustain the promise of the works of the 1890s is not clear , though it is certainly connected with the change to a much more conservative and less experimental architectural climate in Britain in the 1900s , when there was a revival of baroque and French Renaissance architecture ; it may also be to do with Townsend 's own equivocal and confused attitude towards the value of architectural traditions .
10 The Rheidol line offers some of the most spectacular scenery available on Welsh railways and , as far as railway enthusiasts are concerned , the line still has much to offer even though it is still recovering after being reduced to virtual siding status in the last year 's of British Rail management .
11 ICL is keeping schtum on the progress of its Texas Instruments Inc Viking-based Model 764 , though it is still shooting for the fourth quarter .
12 More recent work has demonstrated that the allochthon is not quite as confused as was formerly thought , and the term Argille scagliose has been dropped in Italy ( though it is still used in many other parts of the world ) .
13 This last kind of connection , though it is sometimes treated as a kind of cohesion ( Halliday and Hasan 1976:28–7 ) , is really too dependent upon individual experience and knowledge to be treated as a formal link .
14 The Northern Dairy Shorthorn is officially a rare breed in Britain , though it is sometimes included under the Dairy Shorthorn umbrella in that it is registered in the Coates herdbook , albeit with a separate code to identify the bloodlines .
15 Lynda Moss , editor of the RSC 's journal Methods in Organic Synthesis , said that it does not often crop up in published syntheses , though it is sometimes used as a source of in reactions as well as being a solvent .
16 This is not usual in civil aircraft systems though it is occasionally done in some military aircraft .
17 The report was seen , therefore , as essentially practical though it was heavily influenced by the corporate planning theories advocated through the Institute of Local Government Studies and elsewhere .
18 Though it was completely lacking in originality its publication in Western Europe drew the admiration of many of the leading figures of the Enlightenment .
19 The façade is now Baroque , but inside it retains its simple Romanesque form , though it was extensively restored in the late nineteenth century ( 353 ) .
20 Most likely the decision came from Wilson himself though it was also claimed by Joe Cotter .
21 Indeed , Bradford set up a home for Basque children up Manningham Lane , though it was largely financed by the Trades Council .
22 The Special Air Service Regiment — or S.A.S. , as it soon came to be called — was at this time an established part of the Army Air Corps , though it was little known to the public at large .
23 Though it was again made in England ( Pinewood this time ) , surprisingly few credits recur from the shoot of seven years earlier .
24 It was admitted that this section worried the Fair Employment Commission , even though it was seldom used by employers .
25 The power of the element of statehood among the dominant beliefs appears to have been sufficient to neutralize the provisional movement in the South , even though it was severely tested by the event of Bloody Sunday in 1972 , when thirteen demonstrators were killed by British soldiers in Derry , and by the provisional hunger strikes of 1981 .
26 For tragic Tony Hancock 's TV career had a lot more going for it than the poorly-performed Blood Donor in 1961 , still his most famous show , even though it was all acted off cue cards .
27 Fear of the Communist " Trojan horse " was still present in the minds of the Executive , though it was now coupled with a desire to assert the Party 's independence from allies on the Right as much as on the Left .
28 The cathedral exterior , largely built of black Tournai marble , has a large central tower and spire and four spired towers grouped around it and flanking the north and south apses ( though it was originally designed for nine towers ) .
29 Design flaws made it hard to manufacture in volume at 40MHz until recently though it was originally targeted at high clock rates .
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