Example sentences of "though [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 I must have studied her with attention for I find that I can at this moment , however reluctantly , see her face before me as distinctly as though I was still sitting in that coffee bar with a quarter of an inch of the brown dregs left in my cup .
2 Mrs Tansley says it is over 58 years since she made her debut in opera and she never did any more , though she is well known in villages in the Guisborough area where her talent has been in demand at concerts .
3 In the company of work on offer here , the woman artist still finds herself on the defensive though she is laudably engaged in what Roberta Smith calls , the creation of ‘ a new kind of aesthetic back-talk ’ .
4 For one brief moment it felt as though she was almost drowning in ecstasy , and then she felt Ross removing his lips , cursing violently under his breath as he withdrew his arms from about her body .
5 It is never very apparent what Freudian claims are based on , though they are widely accepted in our culture .
6 He tells us that he ‘ spent months researching ’ ( citations from his letter , The Art Newspaper No. 22 , October 1992 , p.3 ) the texts which he uses in his work at the Neue Galerie at Kassel and he criticises me for ‘ forgetting ’ these texts which took him so long to research , even though they are clearly mentioned in the second , fourth and fifth paragraphs of my article which comprises only seven paragraphs .
7 The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity , though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate .
8 Emerson , Lake , Bruford and Palmolive win every category in the NME poll even though they are never featured in the paper and no one will admit voting for them .
9 Despite the 1984 break with the IMF , economic stringency measures remained in force though they were gradually reduced in the following years .
10 Though they were much used in Baroque times for aria accompaniment , they have largely fallen out of use , and as the chaconne construction is an art and study in itself we can make no more than a passing mention here .
11 Though it 's now based in Montreal , the ensemble is dedicated to keeping alive the traditional dancing of its native country .
12 Nor do I feel compelled to depart from that conclusion by the fact that , under the present practice , a local authority which acts as a relator in a relator action is required to give an undertaking in damages even though it is so proceeding in order to enforce the law in the public interest .
13 More recent work has demonstrated that the allochthon is not quite as confused as was formerly thought , and the term Argille scagliose has been dropped in Italy ( though it is still used in many other parts of the world ) .
14 This is not usual in civil aircraft systems though it is occasionally done in some military aircraft .
15 Though it was completely lacking in originality its publication in Western Europe drew the admiration of many of the leading figures of the Enlightenment .
16 The façade is now Baroque , but inside it retains its simple Romanesque form , though it was extensively restored in the late nineteenth century ( 353 ) .
17 Though it was again made in England ( Pinewood this time ) , surprisingly few credits recur from the shoot of seven years earlier .
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