Example sentences of "whether [conj] [adv] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This is the fashionable contemporary view ; but the fact remains that such children , whether or not we regard them as monsters , did exist .
2 We 've had the debate over whether or not we want our annual conference and that argument was won .
3 Yeah , whe whe whether or not we consider him to have been a black sheep , then we certainly have erm , rather gone into his character .
4 But the essential point here , whether or not we describe it in terms of the network model , is that we are concerned not with a superficial survey of the communities , but with obtaining depth of coverage .
5 So often , what has happened to us in the past determines whether or not we find it easy to trust both ourselves and others emotionally as adults .
6 The challenge that many of us face today is that we have a choice — whether or not we go out to work , how much domestic machinery we use , how much we involve the rest of the family in housework , whether or not we employ someone else to do the cleaning , how many take-away meals are put on the table , and so on .
7 Whether or not we accept their view , it can not be denied that groups are always an important part of any developed political system .
8 But , unlike them , it seems , Dickinson cherished in matters sexual , as in much else , an ambiguity which , for Bennett , is one of her greatest strengths : ‘ For it allows us to identify with the speaker 's feelings , whether or not we share their cause … .
9 Whether or not one feels they are equipped to advise headteachers it is difficult to avoid doubting their skills at inspection .
10 Remarking that Dostoevsky 's The Idiot does not altogether ‘ come off ’ , he is making a coherent and discussable point , whether or not one accepts it .
11 Whether or not they wrote his writs is doubtful .
12 It was felt inadvisable , for obvious reasons , to use the dementia sufferers as informants about their family , care or housing circumstances , but , in addition to the OBS and Depression scale questions , they were to be asked whether or not they felt they had sufficient company and adequate help at home .
13 I did wonder at first whether or not they realized what they were taking on because Baldersdale is another world compared to what they have been accustomed to — very different indeed .
14 The board of directors of the target company have to give their opinion on the offer and make it clear whether or not they recommend it .
15 They did n't care whether or not they killed your father or you . ’
16 Whether or not they expected it when they were first elected , nearly all of them will have learned to accept ant to derive fulfilment from the ‘ welfare ’ function .
17 There has been some argument about whether or not they knew what he was doing , but most of them now piously assert that they had no such knowledge and some take the view that it was an outrageous breach of confidence .
18 And if a man permits his personal belief to distort , alter or transform historical fact , he can not expect others , whether or not they share his belief , to condone the process .
19 ‘ Our research shows that Amex members generally lead active social lives , regardless of whether or not they spend their weekends risking life and limb and that there is a need for this sort of cover .
20 The acceptance of the decision , whether or not they believe it to be morally correct , is of the essence of the legal device , the very idea of law .
21 This is like just allowing children to pick up a bottle of poison , and leaving it in their hands as though it is a matter of no consequence to us whether or not they drink it .
22 When the community midwife calls at home on day 6 or 7 to take the heel prick blood sample for the usual screening tests she asks whether or not they want their son tested for Duchenne muscular dystrophy and marks the screening card accordingly .
23 If York or London needed Bell or Ramsey they had a moral duty to move whether or not they wanted it .
24 Whether or not they consider it appropriate to enter the European Eco audit systems when it appears , using the new standard will certainly give a company ( and its other clients and audiences ) confidence in the knowledge that they 're tackling environmental concerns in a systematic and integrated way . ’
25 For example , if one examines the number of people still at home at one year by whether or not they possessed what appear to be the three key traits of living alone ; not having an informal carer who can cope with all necessary care ; and having a high OBS score ( eight out of ten or more ) , then
26 Services are built round an individual 's needs in a flexible way , rather than people being forced to comply with existing service patterns , whether or not they find them convenient or useful .
27 Charities may be clients , whether or not they have their own publicity officer .
28 It 's all good-humoured teasing and winding up , and for my part I 've long since ceased to care whether or not anyone regards me as the worst climber in the world or some sort of antediluvian relic with no rights to any opinion on ‘ rock climbing as it is done these days . ’
29 Well er as I say I think , er if if if the County Council are are insisting that any new settlement erm should be self contained , I think one would need to see what that definition is before we can be clear as to whether or not it has it has strategic implications .
30 The third inroad or principle is that if income arises to the trustees and is required to be paid to the life tenant then the life tenant is taxable upon it whether or not he receives it ; his entitlement to the monies is enough .
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