Example sentences of "whether [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] or " in BNC.

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1 By now you should have discovered whether you are predominantly left or right-brained , thought about developing your creativity and learned about the influences on your mind and how to quieten it .
2 For official purposes your working life is between 16 and 60 whether you are actually employed or not during those years .
3 Whether she was just fainted or stunned from the shock or whether she was seriously injured , I would n't like to comment on that . ’
4 Whether they are hereafter withdrawn or disproved does not affect the criminal character of the matter in the least …
5 The repetition of these actions , whether they are consciously intended or dot , frequently becomes a habit .
6 There is no guarantee that what people say in interviews is a true account of what they actually do , whether they are intentionally lying or whether they genuinely believe what they are saying .
7 Well it 's not very clear whether he 's actually thinking or seeing it .
8 Curriculum reform , whether it is centrally determined or based on local or in-school planning , is generally held to be impossible unless it is firmly based on a plan for public examinations .
9 There is of course a continuing controversy over whether the bureaucratic bourgeoisie of senior military , civil , party , co-operative and industrial administrators constitute a distinct class ; or whether they merely form part of a larger and more differentiated social stratum ; whether such a class is dominant or subservient to metropolitan capital ; where the boundary around such a class should be drawn ; whether it is fully formed or not , and whether the power of the state is equivalent to the power of the bureaucracy as a social entity ( Murray 1967 ; Leys 1976 ; Zieman and Lanzendorfer 1977 ) .
10 Is it paternalistic approval bestowed whether it is really deserved or not , or acknowledgement of output targets that are routinely reached .
11 Whether it 's rightly deserved or not ai n't the point .
12 And also , the use of the yellow background , I do n't know , erm whether it was deliberately chosen or whether she just happened to be standing there , but the yellow background makes it stand out .
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