Example sentences of "young [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I always tell the younger athletes to go out and do it , to believe in themselves .
2 and I both shouted and told the younger pupils to move back and get into a single line .
3 Young Germans come over and work together with the Czechs on renovation projects . ’
4 Three young Arabs got out and stood quietly talking together .
5 Even as we spoke , a young lady came in and bought the little creature for fifteen pounds , hammer and all .
6 We went to another call and like these were upper class and this young constable got out and told them to fuck away off .
7 Crowds of people went out and a young clergyman came in and ordered a pint of bitter .
8 It is essential to stress that although Philip 's dedication to Richard became intense , it was part of a larger compulsion which preceded and succeeded Richard — to help young people get out and get on through education .
9 As a film like Scandal , which dealt with the Profumo affair , might make young people go back and check out more about what was happening in the early sixties , so I was doing the same in terms of the fifties .
10 A long-term socio-economic programme in areas where small farms predominate will seek to encourage the amalgamation of small farms into more viable units to correct the age balance and encourage young people to stay on or come into farming in remote areas .
11 ‘ Yes , I live very well , ’ he said , as I could see , for at that moment a well-dressed young woman came in and bought the carving of Maeve for twenty-five pounds .
12 Dizzy shook his head and put a finger to his lips , calling to her for silence ; so Alina waited , and after a while the young woman gave up and went away .
13 Do not encourage a young dog to jump up and greet you , for instance , and then expect it to abandon this behaviour at a later stage .
14 Some crafty young entrepreneurs steamed in and relieved her of several pairs of Pumas at a knockdown price .
15 Hansen was leaving the gym , guitar in hand , when a young man came over and said , ‘ Who do you think you are , Jimi Hendrix ? ’
16 Then a young man came over and spoke to her .
17 A young man came in and asked if he could help with distribution .
18 The young man straightened up and put his hands on his hips , staring at the man .
19 A hard-faced young man stepped out and engaged him with a fixed stare .
20 Any people with any sexual , political , musical , literary ( need I go on ? ) persuasions will all be replied to by this young man Hurry up and write — we 've got so much to talk about .
21 The sparkling red BMW convertible screeches to a halt outside the designer menswear store and , after flicking through their Filofaxes , two well-dressed , well-spoken young men climb out and enter the shop .
22 When the young men came back and started to film her in the kitchen , she forgot every word she had learned .
23 But as she drew near , the doors flew open and two casually dressed young men got out and closed in on her .
24 But other young men go off and capture the fleeing Little creature , and soon bring it back , unharmed , to the boy .
25 Throughout the decade , Grierson had been sponsoring young filmmakers to go out and record the lives of ordinary working people .
26 Here a young couple got on and tried to find a couple of seats which were situated together preferably away from everyone else .
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