Example sentences of "play a [adj] role in a " in BNC.

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1 Bill Jordan , president of the engineers ' union AEU , was hissed when he told delegates a Labour government should be ready to play a positive role in a Nato that was now ‘ reaping a spectacular harvest of peace ’ from years of multilateralism .
2 Through this Initiative , the University hopes to develop in its graduates and diplomates qualities which will enable them to play a positive role in an increasingly competitive and changing world .
3 Despite political division , the churches unite in their membership of the Middle East Council of Churches , and continue to play a leading role in a part of the world whose institutions are most important .
4 The Princess of Wales is to play a leading role in a charity caring for the homeless , it was announced yesterday .
5 Although the peasantry have not often been prompted to rebellion , they have played a major role in a national revolution in two Latin American countries , Mexico and Cuba .
6 Scottish Nuclear will play a major role in a conference to be staged at the Moat House Hotel , Glasgow , between 8 and 10 September which will bring together specialists in ‘ Modelling and Simulation in the Nuclear Industry ’ from all over Europe .
7 We first question we would like to answer is whether any of the B II junctions created above are actually present in the solution structure of CATGACGTCATG or whether they could play a significant role in an equilibrium of different solution conformations .
8 And do n't be fooled into thinking power can only play a secondary role in a car 's handling ; to an HPC it 's everything .
9 Israel also agreed " in principle " on June 5 that the European Communities ( EC ) should play a direct role in a conference , as announced during a visit to Paris by Israel 's Foreign Minister , David Levi , and subsequently confirmed by Shamir , despite opposition from hardliners within his Cabinet .
10 Reaffirmed its support for the Palestine Liberation Organisation as the ‘ sole legitimate representative ’ of the Palestinian people and stated that it should play a full role in a UN conference to negotiate a settlement to the Middle East conflict .
11 There are a great many such ‘ eschatological ’ deceptions which , cumulatively , play a religious role in a materialistic age .
12 In fact , computers play a leading role in a great deal of cartoon production these days .
13 As Nicholas Booth reports , Britain is playing a prominent role in a complex satellite which could unveil the mysteries of the Earth 's resources The Euro-eyes of the world .
14 Too Soon for Love was , like Cry Baby Killer , straightforward sensationalism of the still current topic of youth rebellion and teenage violence , yet another sequel to Rebel Without a Cause with Nicholson playing a secondary role in a gang of second-rate , cut-price actors who had clearly been chosen to look like the originals in the Dean film .
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