Example sentences of "was gon na say [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was gon na say past eleven , Christ Andy !
2 I was gon na say about sex education that when I was learning at school , it 's also very male dominated erm it was , I mean you were talking about erm what 's i li , the differences between males and females learning about sex education and wha , and we were learnt about the the man having pleasure , we were taught about the man having the erection and the man having the orgasm , I mean , we did n't even know what a clitoris was !
3 I was gon na say about she stoops to conquer she 's also doing what 's best because sh she like , knows what she wants and like that , erm and she 's trying to stop her father from getting him chucked out and stuff as well .
4 I was gon na say to her ai n't a chair big enough ?
5 I was gon na say to you ?
6 I , I was gon na say to her mind our
7 Oh I know what I was gon na say to you .
8 probably yeah , they 've gone outside though Ah I was gon na say to you if you get us all going on some aerobics
9 I was gon na say to you when we came in
10 And that 's what I was gon na say to you , like .
11 Yeah , but what , I do n't even know what I was gon na say to you .
12 That 's why , cos she said I 'm just gon na know , I was gon na say to Richard that I was gon na ask Richard if if Emma , if he wants to go out with Emma ?
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