Example sentences of "before the first [noun sg] war and " in BNC.

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1 Some have maintained that the Liberal Party was being rapidly undermined before the First World War and that its decline was almost inevitable , others , however , assume that it was the First World War which was responsible for the decline of a vapid Liberal Party — the divisions within Liberal ranks creating the political vacuum into which the Labour Party slipped .
2 We have always in Czechoslovakia been proud of being Europeans , as we were before the First World War and between the wars .
3 There are perhaps 11,000 of them in the UK today and twice that number worldwide : they were exported to countries such as the USA ( where they have an enthusiastic following ) , Canada and Australia before the First World War and are also in the USSR , the Falkland Islands , Sweden and Germany .
4 Looking back with seventy years ' hindsight , Dad might have been wiser to have accepted this offer , but things were different before the First World War and couples might quarrel and argue all their married life as Mum and Dad did but rarely separated and never divorced .
5 Er and I remember , I remember Street West , when the right hand side of Street west going from Road , every house was empty before the First World War and they gave somebody er somebody who lives in the end one and they were rent free if they keep all the rest clean , and always you see house to let where wherever it was in every street there was houses to let , and the price of the house in Street must be about eight shillings a week in those days , and then if you went up to I mean you 'd get in the twelve and sixpenny bracket and down in , those houses down in the that they were ten and six or something like that er
6 Has that come up in your er in your well we were coming back there one night from my aunt 's and er there were quite a lot of policemen about and I was only a little boy , it was before the First World War and my father said to one of these policemen , what 's happening so , oh we had a tip-off he says that er there 's these Whirly Gang folks and in the morning we saw somebody 'd been maimed or killed , but er that was another bit of interesting news around , and I remember down in Caldmore one day there used to be some ladies who used to come from , well they used to be , one of them used to call them the salt ladies , they used to come with blocks of salt on a , on a I think they used to come from and I saw a horse there as a kid and I , it had got a long gash right across its body and I said to this lady I said , what 's happened to this , she said oh the Whirly Gang and er I was in Paris in nineteen twenty two and er we got to this hotel and there was another Englishman on this trip and he said to me he said where do you come from ?
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