Example sentences of "hold her [adv] [prep] [pron] arm " in BNC.

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1 She was holding on for dear life , leaning into him , lifting on tiptoe so that he could gather her close , hold her tightly in his arms , while his tongue slipped into her mouth , while his hand swept up her ribs and lightly cupped her breast …
2 Her desperate words provoked a great shout of laughter from him , and , holding her firmly in his arms he rose and carried her towards his bedroom .
3 It has all come back ! ’ he said , holding her tightly in his arms .
4 Please do n't … ’ he murmured , holding her tightly in his arms and kissing away her tears .
5 And yet there had been a fleeting moment , as he 'd held her tight in his arms , when she 'd found herself longing to lower her defences , to give in to the unfamiliar forces driving through her body with his touch .
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