Example sentences of "hold [pron] hand [conj] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You know , hold her hand and cheer her up a bit .
2 And the kids , then aged eleven and thirteen , sat by her side for four hours holding her hand and telling her she was going to get better .
3 He would just walk on , holding her hand and letting her lead him , turning his head a bit so she would n't see his closed eyes and keeping the sun on his left cheek as an additional guide .
4 I need her to hold my hand and sit me down .
5 I do n't mind I mean they always wan na run off with , one you 've got to hold his hand or carry them
6 It was an old number , fast and furious , and he held her hand and twirled her around , pulling her in close , propelling her away , looking relaxed and so unlike the Luke Denner that she had come to love to hate that she wondered if she was n't hallucinating .
7 I went and sat by her bed and held her hand and let her cry and forgave her and defended her with Daddy and Minny .
8 He held her hand and soothed her , but she was fretful and kept repeating herself .
9 André held her hand and squeezed it .
10 He said she held his hand and told him : ‘ Do n't worry , I 'll be all right .
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