Example sentences of "member [prep] [art] [noun sg] of lords " in BNC.

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1 Members of a House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology had criticised the quality of Commission research .
2 This includes : making written submissions to public bodies ; lobbying MPs and Members of the House of Lords when legislation on anything connected with music , like copyright , is being enacted ; representing musicians ' interests in national and international forums on issues such as the collection and payment of royalties on behalf of performers and composers .
3 She reviewed possible officials who might be contacted with profit , various other relations including her Uncle Willie , and influential members of the House of Lords .
4 In 1963 the Peerage Bill became law and members of the House of Lords could now renounce their titles and preserve their political careers in the Commons .
5 However , Poor Law Boards were often controlled by the local squire , and members of the House of Lords and their families played important political and financial roles throughout the whole century .
6 EVERY WEEK , all members of the House of Lords receive a written call , or ‘ whip ’ from their party managers to attend certain meeting and to vote .
7 In the United Kingdom , for example , the peerage began seriously to take up directorships of commercial companies in the 1880s : by 1896 directorships were held by 167 members of the House of Lords .
8 Passing new laws was not a common occurrence , and the Commons usually left the conduct of day-to-day policy , especially in foreign affairs , to the King and his council , with complete certainty that this small body was better informed than the Commons or even the average members of the House of Lords .
9 Members of the House of Lords appear on the Electoral Register for local and European electoral purposes only : they are allowed neither to vote in parliamentary elections nor to serve as Members of Parliament .
10 Of direct interest only to the most rarefied of all constituencies of criminal justice was the abolition of the privilege of peers to be tried before a special court composed of members of the House of Lords if charged with the commission of certain crimes .
11 This stems from the fact that members of the House of Lords make up the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council .
12 In support of that argument he produced no less an authority than the speech of Lord Bridge of Harwich , with which the other members of the House of Lords agreed , in Cocks v. Thanet District Council [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 286 .
13 From this it will be seen that the most senior judges are Lords of Appeal in Ordinary ( or Law Lords ) who are members of the House of Lords and sit , in their judicial function , in the Appellate Committee of that House .
14 The case was first argued in December 1895 before seven members of the House of Lords including Lord Chancellor Halsbury , and a former Lord Chancellor , Herschell .
15 Roby and Pat were behind us and we also had support from Nick Raynsford , Martin Jackson , David Nicholas , the editor of ITN , Harry Conroy , the General Secretary of the NUJ and several members of the House of Lords .
16 Why does not the Minister condemn the appointments of spouses of Tory Members and of Members of the House of Lords who pick up more than £5,000 a year for doing a day 's work ?
17 Members of the House of Lords and MPs backed the move , which , it is hoped , will pay for studies into homeopathic and other ways of treating patients that do not involve conventional therapies .
18 The candidate thus elected by the Party in the House of Commons will be presented for confirmation as Party leader to a Party meeting constituted as follows : Members of the House of Commons in receipt of the Conservative whip ; Members of the House of Lords in receipt of the Conservative whip ; Adopted Parliamentary candidates ; Members of the Executive Committee of the National Union not already included in the above categories .
19 However in a parliamentary debate last week , members of the House of Lords , reflecting concerns expressed by many university vice-chancellors , claimed that the offending clause could be used to justify direct intervention by the government in university administration — and was , as such , an infringement on academic freedom .
20 Members of the House of Lords sat by virtue of birth , holding hereditary peerages .
21 The members of the House of Lords are not elected : they serve by virtue of birth or , for life peers , by appointment for life .
22 2.40 The interesting thing about this particular case is that all the members of the House of Lords adopted a different approach from each other in assessing damages .
23 However , the other members of the House of Lords adopted a different approach and assumed that Securicor were in breach , subject to the protection of the clause .
24 But what is important is that there is opposition er Chairman at the national level which is set to continue and once again representations are being undertaken er to be made to local Members of Parliament and to Members of the House of Lords .
25 Kenrick Wynne-Jones set up one of the first and best organised of them in Newcastle Wynne-Jones 's work for the Labour Party , added to his success as a chemist , made him a clear choice as a working member of the House of Lords .
26 When a politician with an interest to maintain was a member of the House of Lords , the practice of taking appeals from the Scottish courts to the Upper House of Parliament afforded the politician further opportunities to oblige his friends .
27 One member of the House of Lords put it succinctly in 1884 : ‘ Very few of their Lordships … had not , when young men , been guilty of immorality .
28 David as some colleagues will know is a member of the House of Lords and there is n't much radical thought in the House of Lords .
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