Example sentences of "as far as [pron] could [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We er went as far as we could without er erm finding that we would have to delete allocations that we were making or produce unrealistic er development sites erm the the figure of er twenty five hectares simply means that we 're ratcheting the the whole thing down to a point at which it ca n't be sustained .
2 The trees over Three Island Pond bent to the left with its force , and Creggan saw from the shadows that such ducks as were visible were taking shelter on the lee of the islands , bunching together for warmth and sinking their necks and heads as far as they could into their breast feathers .
3 Duncan looked at Myeloski ; they had gone as far as they could with the air-traffic controller .
4 Furthermore , some branches of physical geography had proceeded as far as they could without an enhanced knowledge of processes .
5 The British opinion , for what it was worth , was that by no stretch of the imagination was Bao Dai 's régime in de facto control ( they also warned the Americans that Schuman would claim that the French had gone as far as they could in Vietnam without creating trouble in French North Africa ) .
6 For one awful moment , she thought she had persuaded her , then , with a cry of triumph , Rose hurled the ring as far as she could into the surrounding darkness .
7 She pulled over as far as she could into the bushes at the side of the lane and slowed down while the car , a beaten-up old Ford , passed .
8 She looked out to sea , as far as she could through the mist , and thought of great trees whispering under the waves .
9 She turned her face as far as she could towards Marie .
10 ‘ Well , ’ she told him , leaning over as far as she could towards him .
11 With an exclamation of disgust , she pushed herself to her knees and flung the offending branch as far as she could in temper at her own stupidity .
12 Alice fulfilled the orders , then sat down as far as she could from Alfred who had just arrived .
13 ‘ If someone came and pinched my bum on the escalator I 'd k-i-c-k him as far as I could down the escalator , ’ Topaz responded with gusto .
14 He would thrust and persuade it as far as he could towards an ending .
15 He felt he had gone as far as he could in the company and learned as much as he was likely to .
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