Example sentences of "decline [prep] the number of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Having followed the decline in the number of cases of gonorrhoea into the middle fifties , syphilis , in contrast , has remained at a comparatively low level ever since .
2 However , White , in this issue , argues that private actions have played an important role in the development of more effective antitrust in the US , and that the recent decline in the number of cases has allayed the fears , expressed in the 1980s , of excessive litigation .
3 Scientists have pointed to the collapse of the shrimp catch and a sharp decline in the number of mangrove trees along the Saudi shoreline as evidence of a significant change in the ecosystem .
4 And because of a decline in the number of knights in the English army by 1450 , it was upon those of lower social status that many of these commands devolved .
5 Although the Second Duma saw a small increase in the number of right-wing deputies , more striking was the decline in the number of Kadet deputies and the advance of the extreme Left , including Social Democrats and SRs who had decided to abandon the electoral boycott they had staged during the elections to the First Duma .
6 A sample of thirty Oxfordshire parishes shows a progressive decline in the number of communicants from 911 in 1738 through 896 in 1759 to 682 by 1802 .
7 Indeed , if anything , there had been a decline in the number of obstacles to building new houses .
8 Not to exaggerate the cat 's breeding abilities , it must be recorded that from the age of eight until twelve years there is a gradual decline in the number of kittens produced in each litter , so the reproductive apparatus is beginning to show signs of slowing down at this stage , and only the strongest and healthiest of moggies can stay the full course .
9 The Minister will probably claim that the decline in the number of smokers is greater in this country than it is in Italy and in France .
10 These figures represent an increase in the number of girls on such courses , but a decline in the number of boys , in recent years .
11 Two things caused a gradual decline in the number of Rottweilers .
12 The introduction of railways did not lead to an immediate decline in the number of draught animals .
13 Its creation followed reports of a huge decline in the number of government troops in the confinement areas , apparently as a result of logistical problems and the non-payment of salaries .
14 This produced a spectacular decline in the number of birds successfully reared and eventually in the total population of adult birds .
15 The large decline in the number of births in Britain between 1964 and 1976 led , in turn , to a decline in the number of school age children .
16 It was this that first prompted the forecasts that there would be a dramatic decline in demand for HE as a result of the decline in the number of births between 1965 and 1976 .
17 There has been some decline in the number of claims , but the cost of claims continues to escalate .
18 This may reflect either the decreased mobility of older people or a decline in the number of friends and/or family available for visiting .
19 Constraints upon historians tightened , one symptom of this being a sharp decline in the number of scholars entering the profession and in the output of new books and articles on the revolution in the early 1980s .
20 The large decline in the number of births in Britain between 1964 and 1976 led , in turn , to a decline in the number of school age children .
21 THE study was commissioned following research in other parts of the country which had shown a marked decline in the number of ponds remaining in these areas .
22 Unemployment was a major problem , with high population growth and a decline in the number of Botswana working abroad , particularly in South Africa .
23 An encouraging feature of these statistics however , is that the decline in the number of Fellows and Associates was smaller than that of ordinary members , showing that the qualifications are still highly prized .
24 With the demolition of so much property at the centre of Birkenhead there has been a significant decline in the number of St Laurence 's parishioners .
25 Commenting on its figures ( see page seven ) , Volmac Software Groep NV , 58%-owned by Cap Gemini Sogeti SA , which reported a 37.8% decline in 1992 net profits , said that in view of uncertain market conditions it could make no forecast for 1993 ; the net profit was depressed by extraordinary charges from the integration of Volmac and Cap Gemini 's Benelux operations ; the 7.4% fall in turnover exceeded the 6.1% decline in the number of employees ; the results were still better than expected and the shares jumped 19% on the Amsterdam stock exchange .
26 Opinions vary as to whether more cautious and rational use of these drugs by general practitioners leading to a reduction in prescribing of tranquillizers and antidepressants would result in a decline in the number of suicide attempts ( Kreitman 1977 ) .
27 The decline in the number of growers and shows coincided with the growth of power-driven looms .
28 Fourth , there has been a large decline in the number of people who have an active faith of any sort , which includes an understanding of an ‘ afterlife ’ .
29 There has been a serious decline in the number of people qualifying as teachers , down from 25,000 in 1980 to 18,500 in 1988 .
30 It can , however , be claimed that though the expansion of employment in the public sector was not directly responsible for the decline in the number of people employed in the manufacturing sector because it did not use the same labour sources and because there was no labour shortage anyhow , it was , nevertheless , indirectly responsible because it led to a decline in private profit and hence to a shortage of capital for investment in the manufacturing industries .
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