Example sentences of "judge [prep] [art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Reasonableness is thus judged in the light of circumstances known and foreseeable at the time the contract was made .
2 The information must be judged in the light of usages and practices of the particular trade or industry concerned .
3 Peter Taylor from Banbury solicitors , Hancock , says firms who were awarded Kitemark wo n't be judged on the number of cases they win , but the quality of their work .
4 4 All entries will be judged by a panel of judges appointed by Haymarket Motoring Publications Ltd. 5 The judges ' decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into .
5 Judged by the frequency of meetings and the flow of formal Cabinet papers , full Cabinet activity under Mrs Thatcher is at an historical low .
6 This is the market in which the Bank of England conducts its monetary control operations and therefore , whatever its importance as judged by the magnitude of funds flowing through it , it is of immense significance to the behaviour of the rest of the financial system and to the rest of the economy .
7 Six patients had active disease as judged by the combination of symptoms requiring steroid treatment and active inflammation seen endoscopically .
8 My essential points are that ( 1 ) to judge from a variety of sources including pendulum marks , timings , metronome marks and evidence from automatic mechanical instruments , the minuet , like the waltz and many other dances , has gone through history at a variety of simultaneous paces , some of which have been indeed quite fast .
9 To judge by the clutter of bottles , glasses , and over-filled ashtrays , and the brooding , weary faces , they had been debating for many hours .
10 Sally was looking thoughtfully out of the hotel window and at the steady procession of passersby , a good proportion of whom were visitors , to judge by the number of cameras to be seen .
11 To judge by the number of Poles at Kiev University who joined a conspiratorial society organized throughout the western provinces by Szymon Konarski in 1838 , exposure to Nicholas I 's Russocentric educational system sometimes had consequences very different from those intended by the authorities in St Petersburg .
12 The probable sequence of events in erecting such a structure would begin with the excavation of the flat-bottomed wall-trenches dug into the chalk which , judging from the evidence of signs of pecking on the trench sides , were made with a pointed tool .
13 It 's a simple formula , but one that seems to be quite successful , judging from the number of copies sold already .
14 Judging from the number of Londoners who ended by having to pay more than they were initially assessed for , this refrain could have been sung a bit too often to be convincing .
15 The Branch has formed a local Management Committee to operate the Lodge on behalf of the Association within agreed guidelines and , judging from the number of applications specifically for The White House , Bexhill-on-Sea will retain its reputation as the retirement centre of the South .
16 Judging by the enthusiasm of pupils and teachers alike this was a very successful event ; it was well covered in the local press as well as by BBC and ITV news .
17 Judging by the number of stars in this hotel , lots of plaques will eventually be in order .
18 Judging by the number of messages , everyone on the new list is having a great time already !
19 To my amazement , although the motel is full judging by the amount of cars , there are no residents on view .
20 At least the enemy are in a similar situation probably much worse off then we are judging by the amount of shells passing over our heads to fall in their positions .
21 The soil was suitably acid , I suspected , judging by the proliferation of rhododendrons I had seen .
22 THE dinosaur film epic Jurassic Park looks like being a runaway success judging by the reaction of audiences who packed cinemas in New York last night for the first showing of the film .
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