Example sentences of "derive from the [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first relevant principle to be derived from the ticket cases in the case of contracts placed on standard terms and conditions is that , if the party whom it is sought to bind knows that there is a set of standard terms which the other party intends should apply to the contract , and he enters into the contract on this basis , he will be bound by them .
2 Distinctive features of ‘ The Land of the Roe ’ include the 24 maps specially drawn by the author for this publication ; the use of primary data from the 1831 Census of Population to complement the detailed social and economic history derived from the Ordnance Memoirs of Ireland 1831–35 ; and the inclusion in the Appendix of all of the original and processed data on which the population maps are based .
3 The circular plan was derived from the hospital tents of the Crimea , where improved ventilation helped reduce the risk of cross-infection .
4 To answer this query we have compared the available NMR data ( 14 ) with the values derived from the model conformations before and after the B I -B II transition .
5 So , as Butterworth ( 1983 ) concludes , the data derived from the speech errors of normal speakers is not decisive in rejecting the Full Listing Hypothesis .
6 All that is known of Larkin 's domestic life derives from the parish registers of St Anne 's , Blackfriars , where between 1612 and 1615 the baptisms and burials of three of his children are recorded , and from his will , in which he mentioned his wife and young daughter , both named Mary .
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