Example sentences of "ought to [be] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It ought to be possible to tell within the next few weeks whether the measures the government has introduced over the past year are delivering the hoped-for results .
2 It ought to be possible to get to a position where we can say with regard to a specific query : ‘ These are the most inherently valuable sources available worldwide ‘ about ’ that subject . ’
3 The view expressed here is that the punishment of those found guilty of insider dealing ought to be sufficient to act as a general deterrent for others who have access to inside information , so as to further reduce the incentive to indulge in the practice of insider dealing .
4 I would say that they ought to be able to spend at a level which is within the S S As that have been given both for the county and for the districts , and therefore we should be below the three hundred and seventy eight .
5 You ought to be able to cope with a small invasion of your privacy now and then .
6 Essentially what you 're saying is that a teacher who 's actually teaching you ought to be able to say to that teacher ‘ look , here 's a package , if you like , that you can insert into your range of skills , and these are of things that you can do with children which are worthwhile doing and fairly easily for you to acquire skills yourself , and they will be very good and helpful for the children ’ .
7 Essentially what you 're saying is that a teacher who 's actually teaching you ought to be able to say to that teacher ‘ look , here 's a package , if you like , that you can insert into your range of skills , and these are of things that you can do with children which are worthwhile doing and fairly easily for you to acquire skills yourself , and they will be very good and helpful for the children ’ .
8 Therefore providers ought to be able to agree to contracts for these services at a lower price .
9 And just as linguistics ought to be able to account for the structure and organization of as yet unspoken sentences , so poetics ought to be able to account for the rules governing as yet unwritten works of literature : ‘ Each work is therefore regarded only as the manifestation of an abstract and general structure , of which it is but one of the possible realizations .
10 And just as linguistics ought to be able to account for the structure and organization of as yet unspoken sentences , so poetics ought to be able to account for the rules governing as yet unwritten works of literature : ‘ Each work is therefore regarded only as the manifestation of an abstract and general structure , of which it is but one of the possible realizations .
11 I ought to be able to refer to the experience directly , and not only indirectly .
12 To which he , Wittgenstein , replies , ‘ But if it meant that , then I ought to know it , I ought to be able to refer to the experience directly , and not only indirectly .
13 Lord Denning recognised that " in our constitutional theory Parliament is supreme but he saw the judges as the real " guardians of our constitution " and he felt that they ought to be able to pronounce on the validity of the conventions and " ought to have a power of judicial review of legislation similar to that in the United States : whereby the judges can set aside statutes which are contrary to our unwritten constitution — in that they are repugnant to reason or to fundamentals " .
14 He once remarked that good prose is like a window-pane , meaning that you ought to be able to see through it without seeing it ; and anyone who has ever tried to write prose like that , or to see human creatures in life or fiction like Waugh 's early fictional characters , will know how much clutter of mind and words needs first to be cleared away .
15 ( You ought to be able to deduce at least five .
16 Now I do n't think of us here and neither , certainly myself , I I would not claim to be any form of artist or expert but I think a lot of us can enjoy er getting our hands dabbling with paint erm paper mâché and other activities and in fact having that opportunity of ex enjoying those experiences that 's we ought to be able to offer to people in Cambridge and many peop children in schools they they do get opportunities but I think particularly amongst older people who 've never had that opportunity and I think you should be do so .
17 the point about membership is that you ought to be able to comment on those suggestions of change and get involved with them on a broad basis .
18 Choose three or four and pick the ones that most need correcting , that is , the words the pupil ought to be able to spell at this stage ( see What goes wrong ? , page 6 ) .
19 Ramsay was in two minds as to whether it was wise to allow himself to be bottled up in the town when his place arguably was with the Regent ; but he decided that he might possibly play a more useful part here as Seton 's assistant — and he ought to be able to escape by boat , at night , if necessary .
20 Saying that he ought to be able to get through a closed door as easily as an open one , Swift is supposed to have left him standing on the doorstep .
21 What we are saying is , the patient ought to be able to determine at any stage of their illness what care they receive , and they ought to know what is coming next .
22 The Purchaser ought to be entitled to rely on the details of the Business which the Vendor has volunteered .
23 Monetarists are opposed to this form of monetary control , arguing that banks , like any firm , ought to be free to compete in the market , free from government restrictions .
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