Example sentences of "japan 's [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Amada is Japan 's largest supplier of metal processing machinery , with a turnover of £300 million in 1982 .
2 The area , already known as ‘ silicon island ’ , is Japan 's largest producer of microchips .
3 The most controversial issue raised during the visit related to Japan 's colonial occupation of Korea , and specifically the forced recruitment of thousands of Korean women — some historians suggested as many as 200,000 — to be used sexually by the Imperial Japanese Army fighting in China and South-East Asia .
4 Despite its enormous restructuring problems , Big Steel has not been Japan 's greatest raiser of cash .
5 Above all the territory was regarded as crucial to Japan 's strategic line of defence , but in this respect Korea was a nearer and more immediate problem .
6 The continued pressure on companies ' cash flow may well accelerate the gradual unwinding of Japan 's complex web of cross-shareholdings .
7 Strategists decided that Japan 's only chance of victory was to deliver a pre-emptive strike against the US and hope for a series of lightning victories which would force the allies to the negotiating table .
8 One of the world 's richest colonies of blue coral , situated off Japan 's southern island of Ishigaki has won a reprieve from development and , marine biologists believe , destruction .
9 It was the third consecutive day on which the index plummeted by almost 3½ p.c. in an alarming acceleration of Japan 's two-year process of asset deflation .
10 The city sees itself as Japan 's natural centre of commerce .
11 US President George Bush on July 31 , 1989 , vetoed a bill passed by Congress which would have set restrictions on the joint development of the FSX fighter , Japan 's next generation of attack aircraft [ see p. 36619 ; 36651 ] , on the grounds that joint development would have enabled the Japanese to overtake US technological superiority in aerospace and would have provided the means whereby Japan could develop its own commercial aircraft .
12 ‘ Homogeneity ’ was the source of Japan 's high level of literacy ; peoples , like animals in the wild , should live in separate locations ( that is , different peoples are different species , and , presumably , should not miscegenate ) .
13 It requires Japan to demonstrate a genuine concern for the interests of her Asian neighbours which was conspicuously absent fifty years ago and which is made more difficult by Japan 's long-standing sense of separateness and uniqueness .
14 On the issue of compensation for Japan 's pre-1945 colonization of Korea , Nakahira rejected Chon 's demands for financial compensation for property damages and deaths of Korean citizens .
15 The South Korean government also insisted that both Kaifu and Akihito should apologize for Japan 's past treatment of Korea .
16 Fujitsu is Japan 's biggest manufacturer of mainframe computers and is a leader in office automation equipment .
17 The difficulty in maintaining such a high level of domestic investment is clear from Japan 's deteriorating ratio of capital to output : it takes more and more investment to deliver a given increase in output .
18 Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Michio Watanabe proposed a new compromise solution on April 21 in an attempt to settle with Russia the long-standing territorial dispute over the four islands known by Russia as the southern Kuriles , and by Japan as the Northern Territories , situated to the north-east of Japan 's northern island of Hokkaido .
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