Example sentences of "manner in [pron] the [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 To understand the nature of relations between the two kingdoms between 1250 and 1340 we must consider the manner in which the treaty was made , and the implications of the clauses .
2 It was firmly stated that where review was based upon breach of natural justice , the court should only be concerned with the manner in which the decision was reached and not with the correctness of the decision itself .
3 that the shop stewards would reply to Michael Taylor 's memo to all staff expressing the anger and disappointment of the Union at the manner in which the decision was made , disregarding the strength of feeling of the majority of staff on this issue ;
4 Under the system of fixed exchange rates any export of capital affected the reserve position though precisely how depended on the manner in which the investment was financed .
5 The balanced and reasonable manner in which the Report was written and presented , produced on the whole the same characteristics in the media coverage of the proposals it contained .
6 The manner in which the contest was called , however , will have already cost the party dearly .
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