Example sentences of "manner in [pron] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The manner in which the Prime Minister had handled the Westland issue within the Cabinet system , Mr Heseltine told the world 's press , was ‘ not a proper way to carry on government and ultimately not an approach for which I can share responsibility ’ .
2 When a leading international sports lawyer asserts that the procedural elements in this case were similar to those carried out in thousands of others , the manner in which the legal commission poured scorn on their reliability suggests that a major revamp is required .
3 I regret the delay that has already occurred and shall watch with great interest the manner in which the Labour party mobilises its forces to support that measure .
4 The manner in which the hand-lettered sign on the side attacked Senator Edward Kennedy told me more than enough about them .
5 In contrast , the contributors to this book , whilst differing between themselves in many respects , share both a critical refutation of the manner in which the inner city has commonly been taken as unproblematic and a belief in the need to use the vocabulary of popular debates to propose alternative conceptualisations of urban crisis and to subject current policy to critical examination .
6 The manner in which the offensive trade is carried on may be controlled by byelaws made by the local authority under s.108(2) .
7 The manner in which the extraordinary demand was met . ’
8 The account given by Froissart of the manner in which the Black Prince won his spurs at Cŕecy in 1346 shows this clearly .
9 In the case of Russia , revisionist research has underlined the manner in which the specific nature of the tsarist regime conditioned the decision to take on the Central Powers .
10 In her attempt to ascertain why anorexia nervosa is a girls ' rather than a boys ' disease , Selvini Palazzoli emphasises the manner in which the adolescent girl ‘ is exposed to lewd looks , subjected to menstruation , about to be penetrated in sexual embraces , to be invaded by the foetus , to be suckled by a child , etc . ’
11 The foregoing chapter has described the manner in which the Created God can be given a place in the minds of human beings as a feasible entity capable of a spiritual kind of existence .
12 However he welcomed the manner in which the new law had resolved the " most serious " objections which had led him to veto the 1990 version , and had made it clear that US government " requests " to third countries or private citizens for help in covert actions did not need to be reported to Congress .
13 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
14 It is the extraordinary manner in which the pathological imagery has simply been inverted so that it forms the basis of a pastoral view which asserts the strength and durability of black family life and , in present circumstances , retreats from confronting the difficult issues which result in black children arriving in care in the first place .
15 The effect of a dense concentration of the woollen textile industry is emphatically expressed by the manner in which the seventeen manufacturing villages and towns of Babergh hundred , Suffolk , differed from the purely agricultural ones ( see Table 2.13 ) .
16 The Head of Department will determine on an individual basis the manner in which the above compensation will be made .
17 His decisions and negotiations with the government shaped the manner in which the British Crown extended its control over both the Company and its Indian possessions , a process which culminated in the passing of the Regulating Act of 1773 .
18 The manner in which the human race has , over many centuries ascribed to Jesus Christ a host of teachings , miraculous powers of healing , identity with a'-god ’ , the power of survival after death and other extraordinary qualities , consistently supports the contention , reiterated herein , that humanity is instinctively aware that it must itself produce its God .
19 He has no time for inefficiency , and he reserves a particular scorn for the manner in which the medical profession organises itself .
20 Beth had heard the manner in which the old man had addressed her husband , and it would have gladdened her heart to hear him snap back ; just for once to tell the old villain to ‘ Go to Hell ! ’
21 There the European Court , consistently with the opinion of the Advocate General ( see p. 663 ) , declined to regulate the manner in which the national court should decide whether to grant interim relief following upon the European Court 's ruling on the main question concerned with the power of the national court to grant relief in the circumstances of the case .
22 For , in yet another publication , Broken Record ( US Birch Lane Press ) , author Henry Schipper documents the manner in which the National Academy Of Recording Arts And Sciences , the organisation that sponsors America 's most prestigious music awards , has continually looked to the past , even The Beatles losing out to the Grammy gang during 1965 , when the award for ‘ Best Vocal Group ’ went not to John , Paul , George and wotsisname ( who , that year , went to Number One Stateside with ‘ I Feel Fine ’ , ‘ Eight Days A Week ’ , ‘ Ticket To Ride ’ , ‘ Help ’ and ‘ Yesterday ’ ) but rather to Nashville 's pure MOR Anita Kerr Singers , who also won in 1966 !
23 It is suggested this is comparable to the manner in which the Inland Revenue will use the decision in Furniss v Dawson [ 1984 ] 1 ALL ER to view a transaction as a whole rather than each separate step individually .
24 The manner in which the word-structure knowledge is applied is dependent on the output produced by the character recogniser .
25 The manner in which the 25,000 hectare Subic site would redeveloped remained uncertain .
26 Whilst the relative decline of manufacturing was not a direct consequence of the expansion of services , there are obvious questions relating to the manner in which the relative attractiveness of services make it difficult for manufacturing to recruit high quality labour and whether their geographical concentration reinforced metropolitan attitudes within central government administration and , thus , indirectly worked against a clear understanding of regional industrial decline .
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