Example sentences of "aim and [noun pl] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This Agreement between the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Executive of the Employment Service sets out the aim and objectives of the Employment Service and the targets to be met in year 1 April 1993 to 31 March 1994 .
2 Although an initial consultation paper was issued in October 1991 , the aims and functions of the SWSI have yet to be finalised .
3 A temporary coordinating group was appointed to gather suggestions from different researchers before drawing up a legal framework and establishing guidelines for the aims and activities of the Association .
4 The Aims and Activities of the Research Defence Society
5 We have had to adjust and re-assess the format , aims and processes of the panels .
6 Mrs Mary McDonald , Diocesan President , in her address to the members , reminded us of the aims and objects of the U.C.M. , one of which is to uphold the Sacramental Dignity of Marriage and to maintain Christian values in family life .
7 The School Development Plans Project ( SDPP ) broadens the basis of audit to include not only the aims and values of the school but also the policy and initiative of central government and the LEA .
8 A coach will then help each student select those methods which match the dynamic performance of the kayak in use and which are most appropriate to the personal aims and values of the trainee .
9 However this restriction of information left staff as a whole unclear as to what the self-appraisal stated were the general aims and policies of the school .
10 Such an initiative would ‘ give central government a firmer basis for the development of national policies and the deployment of resources ; and provide a checklist for authorities and schools in formulating and reviewing their curricular aims and policies in the light of local needs and circumstances …
11 In these notes I described the aims and origins of the scheme :
12 My argument here is that the recent emphasis on flexibility has generated pluralist consensus within English which represents a further refusal to articulate an underlying basis and a clear set of aims and principles for the discipline ; and that this refusal , when understood in relation to the appropriation by the new right of the residues of the humanist programme , forms a significant characteristic of the continuing crisis in English studies .
13 Attended by the Presidents of Bolivia , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela , the meeting issued a wide-ranging statement which included : ( i ) a joint commitment to human rights and international nuclear arms control , as well as support for the aims and principles of the charters of the UN and the Organization of American States ( OAS ) ; and ( ii ) a reaffirmation of the need for increased bilateral co-operation between member countries in economic , social and military matters .
14 It is the UK government 's view that the provisions contained in the draft FMF code of practice , which was drawn up in full consultation with DHSS and MAFF , and the DHSS circular to professional people working in child care , together fulfil its undertaking to implement the aims and principles of the WHO code .
15 I enclose a leaflet which describes the aims and conditions of the Awards , which offer £2,500 worth of prizes to the winning projects .
16 In spite of his opposition to the aims and ideals of the N.D.D.S. and the B.D.D.A. , S. Bright Lucas did sterling work for the deaf and dumb poor of London and was a considerable influence in the founding of the National Deaf Club of which he was President .
17 The conservatism which has held sway for several generations is increasingly giving way to a recognition of the aims and ideals of the peace movement — particularly successful in wooing ‘ middle Australia ’ .
18 the Objects of the Association , which are set out below , describe in broad terms the aims and goals of the Association ;
19 As a new care assistant , by the end of the ten weeks , you would be expected to know the aims and objectives of the Home and your role within it .
20 The choice of access points or retrieval fields and the specific terminology used to " label " each record depends on the content , aims and objectives of the curriculum .
21 The aims and objectives of the curriculum and the particular assignment — the specific areas the pupils are expected to explore , the scope for individual research and the expected outcome of the task — will largely determine the depth of keyword indexing as well as coverage of the database .
22 This question again relates to the needs and abilities of users as well as the aims and objectives of the curriculum .
23 The case studies below illustrate how the aims and objectives of the curriculum and the needs and abilities of users have influenced the design of three databases produced in schools who are participating in the MISLIP project .
24 Our duty is to secure the best return we possibly can or on , on our investments and yet at the same time to have regard to the aims and objectives of the Council itself .
25 Secondly the , the constraint reduces the opportunity that we have to pursue the ethical investment policies which will have regard to the aims and objectives of the Council as a whole , and then lastly there is the matter of practicality .
26 It must inevitably reflect the aims and objectives of the history syllabus and the age in which they operate .
27 After contact has been made , a meeting is generally held with probation and prison staff to clarify the role , aims and objectives of the CAB service within the prison .
28 It obliges the bureau to conform to the policy aims and objectives of the CAB and reach a standard of advice work that fulfils these aims to NACAB 's satisfaction .
29 The occasion was hosted by Secretary General of the Greek National Tourism Organisation , who made a public statement of support for the aims and objectives of the Association and its new Greek Chapter .
30 Below , the organisers talk about the Conference and the aims and objectives of the movement , while opposite Julietta Joseph and Pat Thompson , on behalf of Roots Revolutionaries and Black History for Action , raise some important issues and criticisms of the Conference and the movement 's agenda .
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