Example sentences of "proportion [prep] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A particular difficulty would seem to be that the proportion of left handed inverters found in the general population does not correspond to the proportion of sinistrals estimated on other grounds to have left hemisphere speech ( Searleman , Tweedy and Springer , 1979 ) although it must be admitted that the range of estimates of both proportions has varied quite widely and there is at least some overlap .
2 Given the progressive nature of taxation , the proportion of earnings paid in direct taxation varies .
3 On the other hand , the proportion of tumours associated with chronic active gastritis was highest in the antrum ( 60.9% ) and was significantly lower in tumours affecting the body ( 46.1% ) and the cardia ( 17.2% ) ( antrum v cardia , p<0.001 ) .
4 What has certainly decreased over the years is the proportion of analyses made by qualified statisticians ; the computer has brought to researchers an era of ‘ do-it-yourself ’ .
5 The proportion of women working in other people 's homes , i.e. in domestic service , was a component of this and fell continuously throughout the century beginning in 1850 .
6 The long-term significance of CCT may be greater , therefore , than the relatively small proportion of contracts won by private enterprise would suggest , and certainly more important than the limited financial savings at first achieved .
7 A third view is that the proportion of students going into permanent employment is what really counts and , here , the polys at least hold their own .
8 According to the same official report , the rural areas fared no better , with the proportion of families classified as poor rising from 58 per cent in 1980 to 82 per cent in 1982 .
9 Whilst the proportion of youngsters placed with foster families in Flanders barely changed between 1981 and 1988 , there was a clear shift from direct foster placements to placement by foster care referral services ( Lammertyn and Antoons , 1990 ) .
10 In the two countries where it was more important , the United States and United Kingdom , the proportion of transfers going to social aid hardly increased during the 1960s .
11 It is higher among men than women , with the lowest proportion of graduates teaching in primary schools and the highest in non-maintained schools ( see Figure 7.8 ) .
12 Thereafter the proportion of radicals coming from noble backgrounds decreased , but the correlation between political allegiance and social origins was still very weak in the period before 1914 .
13 However , the proportion of men covered by occupational pension schemes had fallen slightly by 1983 to 66 per cent , while the proportion of women in schemes remained constant ( table 7.42 ) .
14 There is a concentration of specialised services and a higher proportion of admissions occur for elective treatments and through A&E than emergency GP referral .
15 In most surveys , Scotland is also shown as having a very high proportion of workers living in tied accommodation — over 80 per cent in a number of counties .
16 They are fortunate that , for the most part , the increasing personal contact at work , the continuing isolation of farm workers from other occupational groups and the increasing proportion of workers living in tied housing out on the farms are providing opportunities for this identification to be retained , should farmers choose to cultivate it .
17 Some variation was found in the proportion of cells transfected in different animals which probably reflects differences in the amounts of DNA delivered .
18 Admittedly , Legent made its name as a mainframe software house but , Burton says , the proportion of revenues generated from non-mainframe sales is set to rise from around 25% last year to 40% this year and 50% in 1994 .
19 They reflect changes in the population of attempters , with a possible decline in the proportion of patients suffering from formal psychiatric illness while , instead , interpersonal conflicts and social problems play a prominent part in most cases .
20 Consumption financed from government transfers ( pensions etc. ) rose from 5 per cent of GDP in 1952 to 10 per cent in 1973 , and it was partly to pay for this that the average proportion of incomes taken by direct taxation rose from 16 per cent in 1952 to 22 per cent in 1973 .
21 Table 6.1 shows that another long term trend — a steady growth in the proportion of households renting from local authorities or new town corporations — has now been reversed .
22 The proportion of attacks treated with nebulised bronchodilators and systemic steroids increased with increasing severity of clinical presentation ( table II ) .
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