Example sentences of "even though [pron] [was/were] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Major rejected the appeal and insisted the donations from Nadir 's companies had not been illegal , even though they were not made public at the time .
2 Another is that co-operating individuals jointly benefited even though they were not related ; the co-operative behaviour has evolved because those who did it were more likely to survive as individuals and reproduce than those that did not .
3 An approach described by Gup and Norwood ( 1982 ) may offer the basis of the method needed , even though they were not attempting to push their analysis as far as that implied here .
4 But today it was as though Doyle and the Woman needed to be together , even though they were not talking .
5 She could feel the force of his personality even though she was n't looking at him .
6 Even though she was n't looking at him , she knew he was smiling scornfully , and the awareness made her clench her hands into fists .
7 She could feel the heat of his glare even though she was n't looking at him .
8 Liz McColgan was allowed to run in the 3,000 metres in the UK Championships the previous weekend even though she was not entered .
9 Thus , when she was hosting a major fashion show in Paris , featuring the best British designers , she invited Laura to attend , even though she was not showing Ashley clothes .
10 After various numbers of trials the dog had its salivation measured after it had heard the sound , even though it was not fed on that occasion .
11 Under a similar provision in the Bankruptcy Act 1914 it had been held that a defect in a bankruptcy notice of a kind such as could reasonably mislead the debtor was not a mere formal defect or irregularity within the meaning of that provision , and therefore rendered the notice a nullity even though it was not calculated to cause substantial injustice .
12 So , for example , the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board ( CICB ) is amenable to judicial review even though it was not set up by statute and even though the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme ( CICS ) , which it administers , is non-statutory .
13 That first tour did a lot to make the rest of the tours tremendously successful because , with all things like that , if you do play to a small group of people and you still do a great show , then by word of mouth the word spreads how wonderful you were , even though it was n't packed .
14 Until then it was the No. 1 game even though it was n't played by the masses .
15 This can be illustrated by a sentence in the active such as They did n't see him cross the street , which in fact usually implies that he did cross the street , even though he was not seen doing it .
16 When an Australian newspaper alleged that Kerry Packer had " fixed " the result of a cricket match involving the West Indian team , its captain ( Clive Lloyd ) was entitled to damages even though he was not named in the article and had not been playing in the particular match .
17 He was mocking and pretending , even though he was n't grinning any more .
18 However , Richard Baxter did see the Bishop , and , even though he was n't arrested , the Bishop forbade him to preach in his diocese .
19 I was terrified , even though I was n't operating .
20 And anyhow , ’ he ended with a trace of a grin , ‘ even though I was n't admitting the power you had over me , I think that even then I subconsciously did n't want you driving off anywhere where I might not easily find you . ’
21 ‘ Sandra did n't have any experience in auditing , so I taught her how to audit , even though I was n't qualified then , ’ remembers Claire .
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