Example sentences of "after a [adj] period [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if our vision was a piece of elastic which was being stretched for the first time after a long period in a drawer .
2 It included the following , and the list provides an indication of requirements after a lengthy period in the desert : 400 gallons of petrol , rations , 2 tow chains , 2 tins of Lockheed brake fluid , 8 jeep spare wheels and tyres , 200 1 lb. plastic bombs and fuses , beer , cigarettes , rum and 2 crates of lime powder .
3 After a short period as a private tutor , he became private secretary to the Liberal industrialist MP , Sir John Brunner [ q.v . ] .
4 I was particularly distressed when I personally sanctioned his return to operational flying after a short period as an instructor at an OTU .
5 After being shot down during the Battle of Britain , Stienhilper became a PoW and after a short period in a British camp was transferred to Canada .
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