Example sentences of "find it difficult [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Countries that have developed a taste for gas-guzzling machinery are certain to find it difficult to turn back to animal power .
2 As the family grew up the wife could take a less active part in the farm work especially when the son left school but occasionally they found it difficult to settle back into a domestic routine .
3 What his co-religionists sometimes found it difficult to put up with , however , was his abrasive personality and haranguing manner , a combination which ensured fiery exchanges and injured feelings in the frequent communal meetings .
4 Like Morrissey in 1977 , many in Manchester felt left behind and even fairly close friends found it difficult to gat close to the band .
5 But following the close of the series , Soul , like his police partner Paul Michael Glaser , found it difficult to break away from his TV cop image .
6 Dorothy had already told Isobel of the conversation that afternoon , so she was prepared ; but he found it difficult to get round to the real object of the visit .
7 He found it difficult to get on with people but he was n't a bad man . ’
8 American elite theorists especially proclaimed their commitment to a positivist method , but found it difficult to follow through with appropriate empirical accounts of the exercise of power ( Lasswell , 1936 ; Lasswell and Kaplan , 1950 ; Hunter , 1953 ; Mills , 1956 ; Domhoff , 1976 ) .
9 The ride itself was very open and exposed and after being so long in the close embrace of the trees Marian found it difficult to step out into the clear daylight .
10 Depression audiences were given a hero who first fights in the World War and then finds it difficult to settle back into a factory job ; this innocent man is then twice sentenced to a chain-gang , the second arrest coming after a period during which he had succeeded as a respectable businessman ; the film ends with him still on the run and having now to depend on crime to keep himself alive .
11 Small firms have traditionally found it difficult to set up in rural areas , despite the need for job creation and economic diversification , and this Circular is designed to help them by , for example , relaxing the conditions over the re-use of redundant agricultural buildings .
12 Even then she had found it difficult to get up in the morning , had begged and pleaded to be allowed to lie in a little longer , had gone back to sleep more often than not , the forerunner , Cecilia supposed , of her present practice of often lying in bed till noon .
13 Some have worked abroad as volunteers , on extended vacations or in casual jobs , and have then found it difficult to get back into the mainstream of a career .
14 This is a branch of the Association devoted to the more senior ex-Manorians who would like to meet up with old friends , but who find it difficult to join in with the annual reunions .
15 You wake in the morning feeling ‘ sluggish ’ and find it difficult to get out of bed .
16 A partner may hate feeling dependent , but still find it difficult to get out of the house and mix with strangers .
17 Find it difficult to reveal much about yourself .
18 I must admit , though , I find it difficult to keep up with their thought patterns at times . ’
19 We all find it difficult to walk alone in dark places , the forest , the deserted city streets , through the mysteries of death and our unanswered questions .
20 Even there , even with all the change , people find it difficult to cut back on activities in which they have invested themselves over time .
21 There is evidence that the high incidence of unemployment amongst black people will make housing conditions , especially overcrowding , worse as young unemployed people are finding it difficult to move out after marriage and set up their own homes ( Brah , 1986 ) .
22 Cashman shouted , ignoring Matt 's hand , walking across the room to lean on the desk as though he was finding it difficult to remain upright without support .
23 Your only problem now is the fact that you 're finding it difficult to get on with work and responsibilities !
24 Finding it difficult to get down to middleweight , I decided to fight as a light-heavy in the University trials .
25 I was never any good at poker , and I 'm finding it difficult to write calmly to you .
26 The population of Manchester and Salford will find it difficult to sleep peacefully in their beds . ’
27 Such clusters will provide support for teachers and for pupils and will create economies of scale which will allow schools to provide extra resources which they would find it difficult to fund out of their individual budget .
28 It has , however , come to represent the ‘ norm ’ in technical writing to such a degree that , even if a writer was not particularly interested in giving an impression of objectivity , s/he would find it difficult to break away from the convention of using predominantly passive structures in technical writing .
29 Well , I er , I do n't find it difficult to keep out of The Duke at all .
30 Those who have not experienced some type of long-term , warm , trusting relationship in their early years often lack self-confidence and may find it difficult to communicate effectively with other people .
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