Example sentences of "other side of [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Miraculously , we surfaced the other side of the wave only to find that we were rapidly sinking ; my spray deck had caved in with the force of the water .
2 And while her heart swelled — could he be saying that he thought she was lovely ? — a few seconds later he was steering the Mercedes around a bend and was then at once driving to the other side of the road where a kind of lay-by had been cut into a high mass of rock .
3 And the the women and that who live in that area , tend I 've noticed to walk on the other side of the road anyway .
4 So I had to drive out past him , pull over to the other side of the road as much as possible to let him come through and the other cars come through , then I could come .
5 Four out of five graffiti in male lavatories had a sexual theme , while on the other side of the wall only one in four of those created by women dealt with overt sexual subjects ; love and romance seemed to be their principal occupation .
6 ‘ No thanks mate , ’ came the reply , ‘ I 'm on the other side of the bar tonight .
7 On the other side of the scale basically .
8 I reached the desolate head of the valley ( few flowers here ) and decided to attempt a crossing to the other side of the beck so that I could return by the path descending from Black Sail Pass .
9 Yeah , it 's either the fence yeah , you know that white fence , either there or on the other side where those gold things are you know , or if we 're not there , go on the other side of the park where the other gold things are .
10 They passed the greengrocer with his window full of apples and oranges , and the butcher with bloody lumps of meat on display and naked chickens hanging up , and the small bank , and the grocery store and the electrical shop , and then they came out at the other side of the village on to the narrow country road where there were no people any more and very few motor-cars .
11 We 'll have to cross to the other side of the plain now to find anything . "
12 To the delight of the sober-suited committeemen and the pie-eyed slobs on the other side of the ground alike , no England wicket now fell for almost four hours .
13 I look down the other side of the island on to tall fields of barley , stands of eucalyptus .
14 The mother was an unmarried girl by the name of Mercy Barnett , a whatever'sstreet trader 's daughter , ill used by a seaman who had made off to the other side of the world rather than face up to his responsibilities .
15 At the wedding a host of best wishes were received from the other side of the world where many relatives called Jones still remembered young Carol who had gone off to Australia as a child and was now all grown up and about to get wed .
16 I have never experienced an aggressive or bullying rasbora of any species , and they mix well in the peaceful community aquarium , swimming alongside companions from the other side of the world as easily as they integrate with their natural South East Asian cohabitants .
17 I finished third from last in the section only beating the three pegs the other side of the bridge , come to mention it the bloke the other side of the bridge never caught a fish .
18 If no one on the floor wishes to take the other side of the trade then he can deal with his own customer .
19 They walked round the loggia to the other side of the house where Alexei threw open a door on a spacious reception room .
20 and they dragged two of them in and there 's about ten people in the other side of the carriage in about this much space and there 's like two J F S kids lying on the floor in the middle of the carriage
21 Erm I think it might be helpful if I make a comment on this business of er tenders from the other side of the fence actually , Bob .
22 The first reason is really the other side of the view already considered , namely , that a patient 's express wish may be disregarded on the ground that he was not of sound mind .
23 On one side of the hill are typical favela wooden construction type houses , the other side of the hill where the church is situated are stone built constructions interspersed with all other types of construction material they can get their hands on .
24 Sheila giggled quietly as they ran down the other side of the bank on to the shore .
25 She was actually in the house when the bomb dropped on the other side of the road and she was flung down two flights of stairs and the piano on the other side of the room here bears the scars of the bombing .
26 Angela shot a glance to the other side of the room where her cousin was dozing .
27 Er who ran bus services from Gala to Selkirk and Melrose and er we sold out to them because we , the other side of the business where the private car side seemed to be growing .
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