Example sentences of "good deal of [noun sg] [coord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A good deal of money and effort is therefore going into study of the human factor , which should ultimately lead to further reduction of accidents and risk .
2 Nobody can seriously suggest that we turn back the clock entirely and return to the world of Constable 's Haywain , where there was a good deal of misery and hunger amidst all that beauty .
3 The face that confronted her with so much earnest goodwill and innocence , and with , she felt mistrustfully , such incalculable thoughts behind it , was square and brown , with a good deal of chin and nose to it , and an odd mouth with one corner higher than the other .
4 Although homosexuality is no longer against the law , homosexuals still face a good deal of criticism and stigma .
5 Underneath these myths of management , both as giving a sense of status and defining process , we noted that there was a good deal of depression and despair .
6 Being involved in a job which necessitates a good deal of physical activity ( housework , unfortunately , does not rate high in this way , in these days of mod. cons. ) , or taking part in a good deal of sport or walking ( that ten-minute daily dozen does n't really rate here , either ) .
7 Recent years have seen a good deal of change and instability in energy markets and the aim of the study is to investigate how these have influenced , or have been influenced by , the form of contractual behaviour in the markets .
8 This had led in a good deal of theology and piety to a concentration of attention on a vaguely unitarian ‘ God ’ , loosely identified with the Father , and to increasing difficulties in connecting that up in any coherent way with either the Trinity or the incarnation .
9 The popular saying that ‘ Finding is keeping ’ is a dangerous half-truth , which needs a good deal of expansion and qualification to make it square with the law .
10 The collapse of the command economy has given way to a good deal of racketeering and corruption .
11 Working with children , I often find myself thinking that their young minds have been deprived of innocence , and usually a good deal of fun and happiness along with it .
12 Suitably bowdlerized , said Viola to herself with a grim smile : if she knew Walter , there was a good deal of slap and tickle involved which did n't get into the account .
13 A good deal of credulity and nonsense was indulged in the name of psychology but there was no nonsense about the concept of ‘ psychological obsolescence ’ , the new technique for making people dissatisfied with what they had bought more quickly than ever before .
14 This study attracted a good deal of interest and replication ( Blacksell and Gilg , 1975 ) and in a massive appraisal of the approach ( Robinson et al . ,
15 The Mental Health Act 1983 has stirred up a good deal of argument and controversy , which is , arguably , a very good thing in an area where individual liberty is at such risk .
16 any numerical measures need a good deal of explanation and background information if they are not to be misleading ; and
17 I would add that toy manufacturers used a good deal of imagination and licence when they produced their models , perhaps not taking into account the keen eye and future criticism of FlyPast readers !
18 But in this very satisfaction lies the difficulty that for twenty years or more a good deal of self-esteem and affirmation has depended upon the parenting role .
19 a good deal of egocentricity and naivety is necessary to believe that man has taken refuge in a single one of the historical or geographical modes of his existence , when the truth about man resides in the system of their differences and common properties .
20 Foreigners , since the earliest times , have been required to live in special residential areas and have been treated with a good deal of suspicion and hostility by ordinary Russians as well as by government officials .
21 There is a good deal of mythology and misapprehension based on misunderstandings about sound-symbol relationship and its connection with where symbols occur in words .
22 I had the opportunity to visit the north-west on Monday , where I found a good deal of buoyancy and confidence in the future of the north-west and of the country as a whole .
23 A good deal of time and intelligence has been invested in the exposure of racism and the horrific results on its objects .
24 On the other hand , the generally low ‘ compliance observability ’ of the teaching-learning process means that a good deal of power and influence is likely always to remain with those who actually operate the system , i.e. the lecturers and students .
25 Sidonius , perhaps for political reasons , is concerned to portray a restrained and civilized man , with a good deal of power and authority .
26 This caused a good deal of consternation and dismay in Westminster .
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