Example sentences of "only 10 per cent of the " in BNC.

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1 Only 10 per cent of the 20 million annual ambulance journeys are emergencies .
2 Only 10 per cent of the 20 million annual ambulance journeys are emergencies .
3 Only 10 per cent of the 20 million annual ambulance journeys are emergencies .
4 Gets as far as this : Migration of Sperms : ‘ Approximately 400 million sperms are present in each ejaculation … if only 10 per cent of the sperms reach the cervical canal a total of approximately 40 million sperms will have reached this favourable haven .
5 This means that , if trains took coal from a mine 10 kilometres up a branch line to a power station 100 km away , the model would expect only 10 per cent of the revenue to be lost if the branch line were closed .
6 Clarke suggests that only 10 per cent of the iodine-131 escaped .
7 Thus , only 10 per cent of the population of Newham , Tower Hamlets and Southwark can afford a new house in the LDDC area .
8 Notice that 16.1 per cent of the male labour force was recorded as unemployed in April 1985 , but only 10 per cent of the female labour force was so recorded .
9 Twenty years ago , only 10 per cent of the prison population was aged under 21 years .
10 Verbrugge ( 1989 ) considers that only 10 per cent of the gender difference in late-age mortality is due to biological or intrinsic factors and 90 per cent is a result of differences in social variables such as smoking behaviour ; Waldron ( 1976 ) suggests that 75 per cent of the difference is attributable to behavioural factors .
11 Only 10 per cent of the 1940–4 birth cohort of women ( now aged 45–50 ) remained childless ; this figure is expected to rise to at least 15 per cent and possibly 20 per cent for the 1960–4 birth cohort ( Werner 1986 , OPCS 1989a , figure 4.9 ) .
12 The notion that " one hour 's sleep before midnight is worth two afterwards " has perennially been invoked to put children to bed early ( although only 10 per cent of the survey sample believed it to be true ) .
13 Only 10 per cent of the energy in a light bulb goes into creating light , the rest being lost as heat , while 90 per cent of bioluminescent energy is converted into light .
14 Prisoners are male , and disproportionately young — a quarter of the prison population being under 21 , whereas 15–20-year-olds make up only 10 per cent of the British population .
15 In 1879 only 10 per cent of the tonnage launched on the Clyde was of steel construction , but by 1889 that figure had risen to 97 per cent .
16 In power since 1971 , he is a remarkable survivor among Arab leaders , the more so for being an Alawi — one of only 10 per cent of the Syrian population .
17 The liquidity squeeze ( predicted to affect only 10 per cent of the population directly ) immediately limited withdrawals from interest-bearing money-market accounts ( estimated to total $70,000 million ) to 20 per cent and those from private savings and current accounts to no more than approximately $1,000 .
18 Aldo Rico , a former lieutenant-colonel who led abortive military rebellions in 1987 and 1988 [ see pp. 35560-61 ; 36203 ] and who claimed to be representing the " dispossessed " , came an unexpected third with only 10 per cent of the vote .
19 Khasbulatov also said that only 10 per cent of the population were living in satisfactory conditions , and that Russia was experiencing the " pauperization and lumpenization " of its people .
20 For a quotation on the USM only 10 per cent of the shares must be in the possession of the general public .
21 A few groups of migrants , notably among Germans and Scandinavians , who went to the Great Lakes area of the United States , or the earlier Scots settlers in Canada , exchanged a poor agricultural milieu for a better one : only 10 per cent of the foreign immigrants in the United States in 1880 were in agriculture , mostly not as farmers ‘ possibly ’ , as an observer claimed ‘ on account of the capital required to purchase and stock a farm ’ , ’ the equipment of which alone was reckoned to cost $900 in the early 1870s .
22 A study by the International Forest Science Consultancy has shown that log-exporting countries typically receive only 10 per cent of the total value of the processed timber .
23 The situation is worst around the Aral Sea , where only 10 per cent of the local water supply is fit to drink .
24 Only 10 per cent of the coast was said to be in excellent condition .
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