Example sentences of "come [adv] early [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Snow had come very early in the year , but all of October had been so intensely cold that no one was really surprised to see such a heavy fall , although there had been no sign of it when they entered the hall .
2 When I came in early on the Saturday morning , I was very surprised to find that Mr Jimmy Mackenzie — patrolman — had washed all the glasses for me — unasked .
3 When , that first night , she went to her own bungalow , I was left mostly on my own , though Alec came in early in the evening to lend a hand .
4 She came home early from the office , and she has locked herself in her room .
5 Tom Walsh was , however , a speaker at the original Victoria and Albert Docks ' meeting and the sailors and firemen came out early in the strike in sympathy with the dockers .
6 " Your beauty , " ( Miles bit into the toast and crunched it up , managing to smile at the same time ) , " coming so early in the morning , and so on , is totally confusing .
7 The NIAAF recognise that with the meeting coming so early in the track and field season the next few weeks are going to be hectic , with so many of Britain 's top athletes having just returned to these shores after sunshine training abroad … so the booking of Jarrett is a tremendous ‘ start ’ .
8 This weak , depleted state does not come on early in an illness .
9 " You come so early in the morning and you leave late . "
10 ‘ He rarely comes home early on a Tuesday night .
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