Example sentences of "think [pers pn] be [adj] to say that " in BNC.

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1 Er and I think we 're safe to say that you 're married and
2 The Attorney General of the day ( one Shawcross ) , informed an inquiring MP that ‘ it is not contemplated that any legislation will be necessary to give effect to the terms of this Convention ’ because ‘ I think we are entitled to say that the law of this country has always been in advance of the laws of most other countries in regard to human rights ’ .
3 benefits , not knowing where to find out about benefits , and I think it 's right to say that benefits agency staff are there to give information and there is a
4 Er , overall I think it 's right to say that we 're disappointed by these results but we 're not downhearted .
5 In terms of Greater York and its th the York greenbelt I think it 's true to say that er some time ago when David Kaiserman of Manchester did research on greenbelts he came to the view , or he came up with the conclusions from his questionnaires that he sent round , and that study was done , must be ten , fifteen years ago or more , that greenbelts should endure unchanged for at least twenty years , and probably in excess of thirty , and those were the responses of county planning and other major planning authorities at that time , that view if anything has hardened , the public view would be way beyond thirty years .
6 In fact I think it 's true to say that when the forty six hectare figure wa was agreed , it was known that the coal field was coming and er I think time has shown has n't brought anything like the number of jobs or economic
7 I think it 's true to say that the design responsible company , Deutsch Aerospace erm has discovered that er there 's a lot more software in this system than they had originally imagined and the , their sub contractors of course , they 've had to er write various parts of that for them and erm putting together the four elements of the programme has been a lot more complex than anyone imagined .
8 I think it 's true to say that we give it to them and we also drink it ourselves .
9 I think it 's fair to say that the only significant report from the Operations Information Officer during this tour has been the dates of the first flights bringing Swedish holidaymakers to Larnaca .
10 Yes , it costs a lot of money , but I think it 's fair to say that that cost is within reach of the serious working player , and it could well be the answer for aspiring rock guitarists who need ‘ that ’ sound .
11 But I think it 's fair to say that the changes in the n nine , early nineteen eighties particularly those which gave the unions a predominant position in choosing the leader , were not of the unions ' making , certainly not of the G M B's making , as I know from personal experience at the time .
12 I think it 's fair to say that the Secretary of State has accepted that the special character of North Yorkshire , require a balance to be struck between environmental protection and development in the county .
13 It 's certainly true that government guidance is far more guarded erm in its support for new settlements erm the guidance has has of course been touched on but I would adem emphasize the dates of this guidance , er P P G three , housing , March nineteen ninety two , P P G twelve , development plans and regional planning guidance , February nineteen ninety two , and draft P P G thirteen , May nineteen ninety three , just looking briefly at P P G three , erm P P G , and I think it 's fair to say that P P G three takes up far less welcoming stance than did the previous erm P P G erm it recognizes that new settlements are controversial , and that the scope is likely to be limited .
14 I think it 's fair to say that know more about it than I do , but there has been a High Court case recently which has , seems to have er torpedoed the er prospect of er including affordable housing in new housing deals , so I 'm informed .
15 And finally just in terms of er public transport , I think it 's fair to say that there there 's probably little in it between them all because they 're all very poorly served by public transport .
16 Jobs will be found in Harrogate as elsewhere , and if we 're thinking of lumping in the B one office use and the other B uses in with the manufacturing , I think it 's fair to say that office uses are going to be far denser in terms of number of jobs per hectare than manufacturing , and therefore the allocations may not seem to be as great as otherwise might have been demanded .
17 I think it 's fair to say that it 's not quite as simple as just deleting that item out of the budget , there are in fact I think five or six people working for community arts and in the events of that item being deleted we would presumably have to add on the costs of making them redundant erm an an an and dis erm the community arts scheme I think represents , it 's true to say , a range of expertise .
18 I think it 's fair to say that we 've gone a long , long way in Oxford to breaking down barriers with regard to the inspection priorities , and we are in a position within the city where we have nature of , if you like , technicians and staff that are doing jobs that in many other surrounding areas , and indeed throughout the country are the prerogative of E H O , and these include areas specified as high-risk by MAFF , and include a great bulk of all customer and consumer complaints .
19 Erm I I think it is true to say that the , the cost er reduction which they offered brought the price back within what we regarded as the affordability within our defence programme , er the level of affordability .
20 I think it is fair to say that the really top quality olives are usually sold in oil rather than in brine .
21 As I recall , he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War , and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty , but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann .
22 I think it is fair to say that hard words were spoken , but I never knew exactly what was said .
23 I THINK it is fair to say that every hobby has its frustrations , and that there is no pastime that is genuinely ‘ roses all the way ’ .
24 Autonomy is important to everyone , but I think it is fair to say that it is of particular importance in adolescence .
25 I think it is fair to say that the tradition of structuralist and transformational descriptive grammar contains many examples of this kind .
26 I think it is fair to say that in practical terms you are likely to get substantial life out of the tool before the original battery is spent , perhaps several years .
27 Kuhn 's account predates Lakatos 's methodology of scientific research programmes , and I think it is fair to say that Lakatos adapted some of Kuhn 's results to his own purposes .
28 I think it is fair to say that erm all the detailed surveys which have been taken have tended to support the findings from the one to fifty thousand map in so far that the various developments proposed to the west and to the south have include quite large elements of grade two land , whereas the se proposals to the north a tend to be grade three land .
29 As the minister said these orders impose a new statutory duty on auditors and as he quite rightly reminded us , it is something that er we welcomed when we held the debate on the Bingham report in November nineteen ninety two , some fifteen months ago , er , I think it is fair to say that whilst we welcomed that recommendation from Bingham , we did n't say that was all that was required and it is certainly our view that whilst these orders are very welcome , they are only a start in the battle against detecting fraud and other crimes of dishonesty .
30 I think it is fair to say that this act has come about more as a result of the conduct of estate agents in the South .
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