Example sentences of "more [conj] one quarter [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for this is that the snail can only perceive events which are more than one quarter of a second apart , so a stick which is moved four times a second appears to be stationary .
2 According to the Limited Partnerships ( Unrestricted Size ) No 1 Regulations 1971 , which provide for limited partnerships in surveying and allied professions beyond the usual maximum of twenty members , not more than one quarter of the total number of partners can be limited partners .
3 This involves a radical restructuring of the organisation , with devolution into local authority or private management of up to 203 of the 350 or so historic sites now in English Heritage 's care ; the eventual redundancy of nearly 500 staff ( more than one quarter of the total ) ; and the handover of powers to influence decisions on Grade II listed buildings in London , powers inherited in 1986 from the now defunct Greater London Council .
4 A joint-stock company may participate in other limited companies , and interests acquired in each other may either amount to a share with no significant consequence in the equity ; or a ‘ substantial interest ’ ( namely more than one quarter of the registered capital ) or may be a controlling interest , or two companies may acquire a mutual interest in each other 's equity .
5 So , we are talking about countries which in total cover more than one quarter of the earth 's surface with a population of 400 million people
6 So , we are talking about countries which in total cover more than one quarter of the earth 's surface with a population of 400 million people , stretching from well north of the arctic circle to the Mediterranean .
7 Gregory King also estimated that no fewer than ten million acres of England and Wales were still ‘ heaths , moors , mountains , and barren land ’ , rather more than one quarter of the total area of the country as he reckoned it .
8 Not more than one quarter of the shares which may be acquired on the exercise of options granted under the Executive Scheme may have an option price below the market value of a share on the dealing day preceding the relevant date of invitation .
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