Example sentences of "than [pron] would otherwise have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Being a member of the senior team that 's addressing those issues I think gives me a much broader job than I would otherwise have continued to enjoy . ’
2 If so , estimate how long this will take , call the candidates for interview that much earlier than you would otherwise have done , and let them know in the letter that they are to be given a tour first .
3 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
4 He moved more heavily and slowly so that often they had to pause to allow him to keep up , and they rested for his sake more often than they would otherwise have done .
5 Compact will certainly enable some young people to secure better jobs than they would otherwise have done .
6 c The past 3 years have destroyed the myth that elderly dementing people can not play a role in the running of a nursing home — we have seen even severe Alzheimer residents respond to normalization programme and reality orientation work and enjoy it and , indeed , remain at a plateau much longer than they would otherwise have done ( highly subjective comment , I know ) .
7 Developments in Afghanistan assumed a greater significance for Western governments than they would otherwise have had because of the place they appeared to occupy in an ‘ Arc of Crisis ’ that extended from the Middle East to South-Eastern Asia .
8 This ensured the play — and its intended message — a very much wider audience than it would otherwise have obtained .
9 There can be a great variety of these ; one of the most common is the death , absence , or emotional withdrawal of his father during the formative years of his childhood , which made him draw closer to his mother than he would otherwise have done .
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