Example sentences of "could [adv] [be] called a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Enoch Powell , who needed nobody to tell him that he could n't win ( he knew that perfectly well ) , was not the object of anything that could properly be called a campaign : he was a loner with just a few devoted friends behind him .
2 MYSELF and Marco Polo is a working model of a novel , a clever toy , a verbal tournament , a facetious blueprint for a possible future seriousness : it could only be called a success if its author 's aim was merely to intrigue , and I do not feel that Paul Griffiths can be that crude .
3 In the North , the bishops pursued the Irish catholic community 's interests in what could only be called a spirit of ‘ pillarization ’ .
4 This is a choice ( whether conscious or unconscious is a different matter ) , but could scarcely be called a style .
5 In 1922 the capital of the guberniia could hardly be called a bastion of the proletariat .
6 LADY in black Jackie Miller could hardly be called a mo-pedestrian either .
7 Now to an event that could hardly be called a sport , even though it did produce a new British champion .
8 The elongated , slightly oval hummock could hardly be called a grave , more a burial mound .
9 The integration of its railway system — it could hardly be called a network — was a major problem .
10 The garden could hardly be called a garden ; it was large , wild and not too well kept .
11 There was bougainvillaea in flower , clambering up the stone walls , small white roses on thin stalks among the weeds , and wild flowers in what could hardly be called a garden .
12 There is nothing that could reasonably be called a head ; merely a small light-sensitive spot ; no heart , only a number of pulsating arteries ; no fins or limbs , only a slight dilation at the hind end like the flight feathers of an arrow .
13 And that could fairly be called an act of express consent .
14 An attempted return led David to disastrous defeat at Neville 's Cross , after which he was a prisoner in English hands for eleven years until bought back for what could truly be called a king 's ransom .
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