Example sentences of "some degree [prep] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 With so much data being reported for so many pollutants and with the news media and control agencies employing diverse terms to describe air quality , some degree of confusion to the public is inevitable .
2 Although the government suggested that it was prepared to offer some degree of autonomy to the island , the prospect of losing the tax revenue from the mine , together with the potential effect upon other provinces within the country 's ethnically diverse structure , suggested that the government would be unprepared to accept BRA 's stated aim of full independence .
3 Devolution may in due course come to Northern Ireland , but before it arrives do not the Government have it in their power , at a stroke , to restore some degree of democracy to the people of Ulster by establishing a Select Committee ?
4 It is usually beneficial for organisations whose activities involve some degree of risk to the public to establish two–way communication on the issues .
5 Therefore , this region may confer some degree of specialization to the protein , in terms of cellular location and/or tissue specificity .
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