Example sentences of "some kind of [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these techniques are for use specifically with patients having , or suspected of having , some kind of damage to the brain .
2 The Chairmaster , grave , imposing , and bald as a biscuit , apart from the red wig , adhering by a miracle to his left ear , was attempting to give some kind of order to the proceedings .
3 It is a way of bringing some kind of order to the many diverse things which the scriptures could be said to be about .
4 The network of shires and hundreds brought royal government to all landowners of any substance , and must have acted as some kind of counter-weight to the influence of local lords and feelings of local separatism .
5 One possibility propounded by a colleague is that there should be some kind of pay-back to the museums perhaps in the form of a levy for their help in identifying finds .
6 In the context of this chapter , however , it is particularly important to deal with the corporatist perspective on the politics of organised interests since it provides some kind of challenge to the pluralist perspective ( even though pluralism and corporatism share a number of basic assumptions ) , and it fleshes out elements of the left critique of pluralism ( even though much corporatist theory is hostile to a Marxist theory of the capitalist state ) .
7 Moreover , public support for the system has become problematic in a way that poses some kind of challenge to the legitimacy and authority of the state itself .
8 ‘ Mr Nicholson , ’ Paul Merrick said , brushing loose strands of wispy hair from his face , ‘ you said you were going to show us some kind of answer to the problems of overcrowding .
9 Perhaps he even considered himself to have some kind of claim to the place ?
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