Example sentences of "take place [prep] [art] [noun sg] period " in BNC.

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1 On average , a body is injected with approximately 12–16 pints of the one and a half per cent or two per cent solution and this takes place over a time period of approximately one to two hours .
2 Consumption monitoring should take place after a settling-in period has elapsed to take account of staff learning curves and untypical use during product familiarisation .
3 Field-work took place over a twelve-month period between 1987 and 1988 , and was sufficiently prolonged to avoid the criticism which brief ‘ smash-andgrab ’ ethnographies often deserve .
4 Although some building work had taken place in the pre-Severan period , notably two groups of temples on the south side of the east-west street , the main impetus to rebuild came under that emperor .
5 Irving Fisher 's version of the quantity theory can be explained in terms of the following ‘ equation of exchange ’ : where M is the nominal stock of money in circulation and V is the transactions velocity of circulation of money ( that is , the average number of times the given quantity of money changes hands in transactions ) ; P is the average price of all transactions and T is the number of transactions that take place during the time period .
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