Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb past] herself " in BNC.

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1 Spasms of jealousy writhed in her mind until she reminded herself that she had no right to object if he saw fit to do so .
2 His mouth came gently to her neck and she gave herself again to the lion .
3 Her feet kept on blundering along through the darkness and a stitch stabbed at her side but she blinded herself to exhaustion and ran .
4 Smoothing down her skirt as she seated herself , she reached over and started up the secondary computer .
5 A faint , ironic smile played about her mouth as she allowed herself , just for a minute , to imagine what the weekend could have held if she had been one of Dane 's legion of devoted followers .
6 As his wife had pointed out tartly , on many occasions , she herself would never get through a quarter of her work if she indulged herself in such idleness .
7 It stung her eye and she asked herself why this should happen .
8 Her nipple was hard and swollen in Luke 's mouth , its hot stinging ache too much like pleasure , and she knew herself doubly degraded , by his kiss and by her own response to it , the pleading curve of her body as she pressed herself into his mouth a flagrant denial of the protest screaming in her mind .
9 Odd sensations chased through her body and she found herself gasping for air .
10 It was when Kattina 's fierce tongue finally reached the sensitive folds of her slit that she found herself panting .
11 He ignored her enquiry so she hauled herself out , slipped on a long T-shirt and followed him into the other room .
12 Polly caught her breath as she drew herself up .
13 All the same , she was n't best pleased to be disturbed by a knock on her door as she wrapped herself in a towelling robe and hid her wet hair in a turban after she stepped out of the shower .
14 The bow flagged in her hand and she heard herself exclaim .
15 Even the deeds of valour , so proudly recorded , only added to her depression as she reminded herself that each was committed in response to yet one more example of man 's inhumanity to man .
16 Niall 's hand caught at her arm and she found herself being drawn towards him , the pressure of his fingers light but insistent .
17 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
18 Her mind swung away from her brother and she told herself that she could n't see herself spending her life with someone whose toes were just touching the ground ; her nature demanded stability .
19 Mrs. Oxley concluded her reading with three poignant poems about her son that she wrote herself .
20 He could tell by the look on her face that she counted herself among them .
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