Example sentences of "out a hand and [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She moved to go past him , but he shot out a hand and restrained her .
2 He put out a hand and ran it possessively over her hair .
3 The auburn-haired equestrienne delivered herself of a pithy speech , gave the young man , now scarlet beneath his whiskers , no chance to reply , put out a hand and thrust him physically aside with such force that he staggered back and bounced off the door of Woolworth 's behind him , and strode on .
4 She put out a hand and touched him on the sleeve , but he moved back as if he had n't noticed , and she said on a rising note , ‘ Why are you looking like that ? ’
5 He put out a hand and touched hers .
6 She put out a hand and felt him wince as she found his injured eye .
7 Overwhelmed with compassion , Melissa put out a hand and laid it on his arm .
8 Occasionally he would mutter a few words of comfort , or reach out a hand and lay it reassuringly on Sigarup 's blanketed body to let him know that he was still awake .
9 Any minute and he 'd reach out a hand and grab her .
10 As I gave the injection the dog whimpered a little and the boy stretched out a hand and patted him .
11 Wolsey stretched out a hand and patted him gently on the shoulder .
12 Scott shot out a hand and grabbed her by the shoulder , spinning her round .
13 Travis closed his eyes in pain for a second , and then almost as if he could n't help himself he reached out a hand and pulled her to him , pressing a kiss on her hair .
14 He held out a hand and gave me a smile .
15 Meredith felt her legs give way , and lost her balance , but Lucenzo snaked out a hand and caught her expertly , firmly pushing her against the hatch and holding her there while she regained her equilibrium .
16 She made for the door , but as perforce she had to pass him he put out a hand and caught her by the wrist .
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