Example sentences of "all [art] [noun] around the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then as it dies down again , seal it all up , stuff mud over the holes and sand or mud or earth all the way around the bottom , so there 's no air getting in .
2 You go all the way around the country , there simply are n't women there .
3 I 've gone all the way around the circle and got to the beginning again .
4 The force on the mobile charges is still qE but now the charges may follow the electric field all the way around the ring .
5 Maybe it was close behind them and they were embarking on a long exhausting journey all the way around the Waste to reach what was near at their backs .
6 He checked all the way around the boat — or at least , as far as he could — but he saw no driftwood , nothing .
7 So before it was erm all the way around the pitch , the response .
8 Instead I consoled myself that Ellen would be pleased , and a pleased Ellen might become my shipmate all the way around the world , so really , I told myself , I was not doing this for the senator 's happiness , and not even for the twins , but for my own , and so I shook the senator 's hand .
9 Yet it was a strange and contradictory fact that on those grim days when even the May blossom and the busy life of all the creatures around the Park could not shake off the ever present fact of the bars and cages of the Zoo and the imprisoned animals , Mr Wolski found silent comfort in the presence of the remaining golden eagle .
10 Now it 's very easy for all the leaders around the world , not that easy to get them all together , but once they were together , it was very easy for them all to say yes the situation 's dreadful , it 's awful , it 's awful .
11 JAMES EDE , chief display assistant , East Filton : ‘ We should make something of all the hype around the release of the Jurassic Park film and have dinosaur shaped foods . ’
12 Lake Steamers : A regular service runs to all the villages around the lake .
13 The constituent cells of Volvox , however , are coordinated , for all the flagella around the sphere beat in an organised way and drive the tiny ball in a particular direction .
14 Inside the farmhouse , she showed me some of her furniture and when I saw all the cards around the place and she began to talk about how proud she was about the large number of people who wrote to her , it dawned on me that she must be a bit of a celebrity .
15 His sabotage had opened all the doors around the ship , and the ramp waited for him invitingly .
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