Example sentences of "as the [noun] council for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the appeal , that , notwithstanding the general principle that a trading or non-trading corporation was entitled to sue in libel to protect so much of its corporate reputation , as distinct from that of its members , as was capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , a local authority , as a corporate public authority , was not entitled at common law to sue for libel to protect its governing reputation ; that to allow it to do so would impose a substantial and unjustifiable restriction on freedom of expression , since an action for malicious falsehood , or a prosecution for criminal libel , provided the local authority with the sufficient and necessary protection it required in a democratic society ; and that , therefore , the local authority could not maintain its libel action for any words which reflected on it as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in that county ( post , pp. 41H , 48F–G , H — 49B , 56B–C , 58A–B , 59F–G , 65B–C , F ) .
2 By order of Master Miller dated 2 November 1990 the following point of law was ordered to be tried as a preliminary point before the trial of the action , namely whether the council could maintain an action for libel for any words which reflected upon the council as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund , and whether , if not , the statement of claim disclosed a cause of action .
3 ‘ whether the plaintiff … can maintain an action for libel for any words which reflects [ sic ] upon the said plaintiff as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund …
4 I would allow this appeal and in answer to the first question raised by the preliminary point of law declare that the council can not maintain an action for libel for any words which reflect upon it as the county council for Derbyshire in relation to its governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , including its statutory responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund .
5 They drew on government legislation , park plans , guidance from statutory bodies , such as the Countryside Council for Wales , and common sense in presenting their opposing cases to the full conference on the last day for a decision .
6 Environmental groups such as the Countryside Council for Wales , English Nature and the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) have objected to the use of orimulsion in Britain .
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