Example sentences of "what might be called a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 HEAVY with prizes from Venice , She 's Been Away ( BBC1 ) was , superficially , one of those pieces in which a major star offers what might be called a Complex Simpleton performance .
2 In what follows , we adopt what might be called a modified pluralist approach ( Hall et al . ,
3 They applied what might be called a Morellian analysis , recording precisely the minute details of the ancient works , dividing statues into as many as 300 measurable parts , and entering the results into a database .
4 There is , of course , nothing new in the development of what might be called a farm-centred community , distinct and largely separated from the village , particularly in the pastoral and upland areas of England , where this kind of settlement pattern has traditionally been more common .
5 Hurtling along the open track and through what might be called a blinding blizzard , the C.P.R. ‘ Special ’ carried Gladstone Murray and his party to Regina in just over an hour .
6 Both families had been transformed from what might be called a lumpen peasantry into what Marx did call the lumpen proletariat .
7 What might be called a conservative legal-constitutionalism is a consistent theme within Tory-Anglican thought throughout our period , even though not all Tory Anglicans would have argued such a position at all times with the same degree of commitment .
8 It is what might be called a self-perpetuat-ing oligarchy with mild , but only mild overtones of plutocracy . ’
9 Identification of what might be called a transient problem , compared with , with a deep-seated long-term problem , is perhaps not always apparent .
10 Elaborations are characteristic of what might be called a pedagogical style , which itself can be explained in terms of the principle of relevance .
11 It should also be said , perhaps , that Lord Darlington was never what might be called a natural public speaker , and soon all those small sounds of restlessness that betray that an audience 's attention has been lost grew steadily around the room .
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