Example sentences of "what appear [prep] [be] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I am often asked what makes a good day for bolting rabbits , bearing in mind that on some occasions they will readily leave the ground regardless of surface conditions , whereas at other times — often under what appear to be favourable conditions — they just can not be budged .
2 The Z-rock ( Cinoptilolite Zeolite ) which we placed in a test tank has split into pieces along what appear to be sedimentary lines and turned yellow .
3 Although it is usual to model responsibilities in terms of a hierarchical tree there are bound to be overlaps between what appear to be different levels of the hierarchy .
4 The issue of power brings a thread of coherence to what appear to be divergent reforms .
5 Now the wise extra-mural department would doubtless maintain a facade of what appear to be voluntary committees .
6 But it does mean that in analysing the effects of what appear to be clear cases of monopoly , we know where to look for the source of the problem .
7 Police in Jersey searching for the bodies of Nicholas and Elizabeth who were killed six years ago have found what appear to be human remains .
8 Our thesis is this : educational accountability is not a localised phenomenon , therefore , what appear to be local responses may have a wider significance than was imagined at their inception .
9 This will not , however , solve the problem of certain children taking on what appear to be menial roles .
10 This bypassing of these groups leads to a worrying loss of expertise , for what appears to be political reasons , namely , that the Rape Crisis Lines have radical politics .
11 Organisers are frequently met with what appears to be rigid rules — ‘ We always have a five foot aisle , sir , it 's all we need ’ — when in fact the reality should be far more flexible , better suited to your particular needs and safer too .
12 There were many stories afterwards of what appeared to be gratuitous police violence .
13 Bloxham had always been fascinated by regression to what appeared to be past lives , and he would experiment with those of his patients who proved to be excellent subjects for hypnosis ( with their full permission and co-operation , of course ) , recording the outcome of these experiments .
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