Example sentences of "which [vb past] lead to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They arrived at the bottom of a winding cliff path which seemed to lead to the fortress and the forest on the land above to the open land where a strange , timeless battle was being fought beneath the dusk sky .
2 After half a year of their affair , she 'd begun to wonder , wallowing in his affection , how a man whose history had been one infidelity after another had mended his ways ; which thought led to the possibility that perhaps he had n't .
3 Faced , however , with the catastrophic increase in unemployment and the need to occupy large numbers of workless people without directly employing them ( which would have run counter to the economic doctrine which had led to the redundancy of many of them in the first place ) , the Government poured money into any ‘ voluntary ’ agency willing to put in a bid for government-funded cheap labour .
4 The Christian Democratic Party ( DC ) , the largest party in Parliament since 1948 , had experienced internal dissent , including that which had led to the formation of La Rete ( " The Network " ) as a new national political force [ see pp. 38481-82 ] .
5 Gingrich had been the first to lay formal charges which had led to the resignation on June 6 of the Speaker of the House of Representatives , Jim Wright [ see p. 36650 ] , and it was widely believed that his own investigation had been initiated in revenge in April by Representative Bill Alexander ( Dem. , Arkansas ) who on Oct. 26 filed new charges against Gingrich for alleged misuse of campaign funds and of congressional stationery .
6 The charges related to the administration 's attempt to conceal the US role in a secret arms-for-hostages shipment by Israel to Iran in 1985 , an issue which had led to the filing of charges against former Defence Secretary Caspar Weinberger , in June 1992 [ see p. 38955 ] .
7 The bitterness and confusion over delimitation , which had led to the drafting of a bill in 1911 outlining the two distinct districts , ‘ Champagne ’ and ‘ Champagne Deuxième Zone ’ , was still unsolved and an amended law was passed through the new government in 1919 .
8 It was not regulation , but the decisions of individual consumers , and industry 's response , which had led to the development of ozone-friendly products , bio-degradable plastics , and phosphate-free detergents . ’
9 As a reward for delivering the information which had led to the exposure of Sidacai 's planned coup , the honour was excessive .
10 The ill-feeling between the British and American governments which had led to the delay in granting Virgin an exemption to fly into the States back in June now resurfaced .
11 The fire was the second worst in the city 's history and occurred exactly 79 years after the death of 145 people in a factory fire which had led to the imposition of strict building regulations .
12 The appeal court in Bucharest overturned on Dec. 12 the convictions on March 25 [ see p. 38108 ] of 16 former communist politburo members for " favouring the criminal " ( i.e. Ceausescu ) over the actions to counter demonstrations in Timisoara and Bucharest , which had led to the overthrow of the communist regime in December 1989 .
13 He listened intently as Helen Crummy , the founder of the Craigmillar Festival Society , told him that it was a group of mothers — determined to do something for their families because of their frustration at a lack of educational , cultural and employment opportunities — which had led to the start of the organisation in 1962 .
14 Although the strike itself went off peacefully , according to the police it was the cause of violence which began on Nov. 3 at a mine in Welkom in the Orange Free State and which had led to the killing of at least 84 miners by Nov. 11 .
15 In the face of mounting defeats , personal losses , misery , and sacrifice , Hitler 's earlier successes began to be seen in a new light , and he was now increasingly blamed for policies which had led to the war , and for his failure to terminate the war and produce the desired peace .
16 To offset the recessionary effects of the measures , which had led to the lay-off of an estimated 350,000 industrial workers , the government announced $2,000 million in official loans to companies within the capital goods sector on April 26 , with similar " soft credits " planned for the car , civil construction and agricultural sectors .
17 It was a direct result of the move towards greater political co-operation in Western Europe which had led to the creation of the Council of Europe in 1949 .
18 In the discussions which had led to the creation of the ECSC , other economic sectors such as transport and agriculture had been highlighted as being ripe for similar developments .
19 It was criticized in Czechoslovakia for lacking a clause annulling the 1938 Munich Agreement which had led to the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia , and in Germany for lacking provisions on the property rights of the 2,000,000 Sudeten Germans expelled from Czechoslovakia after the end of the Second World War .
20 The other major setback came in the shape of the winter 's East Coast floods which had led to the loss of some branch members and severe dislocation of classes in Norfolk , Suffolk and Essex .
21 The government called for calm and warned against the kind of communal violence which had led to the loss of thousands of lives in neighbouring Croatia .
22 The party conflict which had been in the process of emerging in England since 1660 , and which had led to the clash between Whigs and Tories during the Exclusion Crisis , continued to develop after the Glorious Revolution , and reached a new height of intensity in the reign of Queen Anne .
23 The issue reminded many observers of the Recruit share trading scandal of late 1988 , which had led to the collapse of the government led by Noboru Takeshita [ see pp. 36463-64 ] , and which had led to a range of measures designed to tighten up on this kind of abuse .
24 Prior to its arrival in France , the greatest vineyards had undergone gradual devaluation as a result of the increasing demand for wine , which had led to the planting of inferior varieties and the extension of vineyards into unsuitable areas of land .
25 Negotiations over a joint fishing agreement between the two countries had been disrupted by incidents between Trinidadian fishermen and Venezuelan coastguards which had led to the death of one Trinidadian in October 1989 .
26 In many ways the most significant of all the Soviet nationality disputes began to acquire open and public form in the summer of 1987 in the Baltic republics on the anniversary of the Nazi-Soviet pact which had led to the incorporation of these republics into the USSR .
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