Example sentences of "can be [vb pp] [prep] [det] particular " in BNC.

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1 However , ‘ FAST CASH ’ withdrawals and all transactions on machines which are not ABBEYLINK machines can only relate to the Primary Account , and no other account can be selected for these particular transactions .
2 For instance , forecasts for the total sales of bread , cakes and other bakery products in the UK can be calculated for any particular segment on the basis of trade and census data on the number of people in different socioeconomic classes ( see later chapters ) , their per capita consumption of bakery products , and trends in the consumption pattern as between standard lines , such as wrapped white bread , and value added lines such as wholemeal bread , cream cakes , crispbread etc .
3 The exact manner in which the excavation proceeds can vary considerably depending on the site 's characteristics , and there are usually several possible strategies that can be followed in any particular situation .
4 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
5 Perhaps the only genuine conclusion that can be made at this particular time of flux is that arts teachers are generally receptive to the introduction of new approaches to assessing children 's work , but only if these developments can be seen to have a positive value in helping children to be more articulate about their strengths and weaknesses , and are therefore essentially formative in character .
6 None of the software created under ToolChest can be optimised for any particular Sparc configuration without forfeiting compliance .
7 One of the key questions is how much time can be spent on any particular curriculum area .
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