Example sentences of "we [vb base] to be aware of " in BNC.

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1 If an act is good , we aim to be aware of them already .
2 When making erotic statements with clothes we have to be aware of existing stereotypes .
3 This , and not a fear of exaggeration , is the hazard we have to be aware of when interpreting the remarks of the people of St Ann 's about these housing conditions .
4 We have to be aware of this possibility and , if we find that we are being misunderstood , find another means of expressing ourselves .
5 It is important to realise , however , that what we have discussed in this chapter is relevant to the next chapter , since if we want to know how language is understood we have to be aware of the large number of different levels of processing which are involved .
6 We are apolitical although we have to be aware of the political impact our work can have in some areas .
7 AT the moment we need to be aware of what is happening and make others aware too .
8 We need to be aware of changes in patterns of kinship and in the organisation of the family and household .
9 To begin with we need to be aware of the extra-discursive realities which environ these statements .
10 Within the public sector we need to be aware of formal relations existing at different levels and we need to show how these organisations relate to each other .
11 A second dimension that we need to be aware of is one of organisational change and the reasons for it .
12 A number of writers have concentrated upon the psychological make-up of individuals and indicated that we need to be aware of the individual 's nature .
13 As teachers , we need to be aware of the extent to which inequalities are enshrined within the status quo and the fact that many of the students with whom we work are the products of an unequal social system .
14 The work of Martin Bell elsewhere , however , indicates that the landscape and its use can change , and we need to be aware of this for earlier periods .
15 We need to be aware of the distinction between these roles ;
16 In the time that I have to move the report I 'd like to concentrate on some of the developments that have been taking place in health and safety this is not to , er , give the impression that environmental developments are not important but over this next year the government are going to be taking certain measures that we need to be aware of , er , in the health and safety area .
17 I was trying to hint at that this morning that we 're looking at a whole child and sometimes they 're not gon na succeed in a subject they 've put it cos there 's sod all else for them to put and we need to be aware of that .
18 There are issues across Europe that we need to be aware of as a city .
19 We need to be aware of our expectations because our expectations can be limiting and can be stretching and inspiring .
20 We need to be aware of how those can actually triple the numbers .
21 We need to be aware of how we are subconsciously taught .
22 As far as ho erm the H R T is erm here we go you see , this is post-natal illness this is right , we need one on that as well , but what we need to know , and what we need to be aware of , is that the discussion has to be actually put out through the members in the same sort of way as Ken and Peggy have done in the erm Midland and East Coast region and also on Working Women 's Safety , it needs to be taken on board that we are absolutely fed up , sick to death and absolutely running out of patience at having to hammer home this thing about equality .
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