Example sentences of "from the [adj] eye [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The act does not control what happens to cell cultures imported by companies operating on the fringe of the biotechnology industry — away from the watchful eyes of the HSE and GMAG .
2 Easily hidden from the not-too-enquiring eyes of the local magistrates who were supposed to inspect the mill , frightening cruelties were inflicted by overseers whose sadism went unchecked .
3 Away from the prying eyes of the world , the newlyweds sailed the Aegean and Ionian Seas and on through the Suez Canal .
4 It would not need to thicken and curdle , and become dully opaque to defend its tender insides from the preying eyes of the world .
5 Here the sales staff glided about with languid grace more reminiscent of Paris than New York , the house models managed to look like elegant advertisements for Varna even after a long session of standing stock still while a toile was pinned and draped and adjusted around them , and even when a rail of sample clothes had to be wheeled across the hallowed expanse of green , carefully hidden inside grey and black sample bags to make sure they were safe from the photographic eye of a fashion spy , it was managed with what Hugo referred to as ‘ panache ’ .
6 As well as that , the laundry was a steamy , rather smelly place where sheets were stewed in the boiler and then hand-scrubbed on a ridged board and further rinsed and processed before they progressed in a wooden tub , a girl at each handle , to hang under the sun or the rain in their private drying ground , screened by laurel and flowering currant from the sensitive eyes of the gentry .
7 This pattern of results suggests that no uncrossed pathway from the left eye to the damaged left side of the brain is functional to elicit fixation shifts .
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