Example sentences of "from [art] various [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The cost of the papers is then recovered from the various departments of the Council and the Joint Boards who participate in these arrangements .
2 Erm and what we have done in compiling these tables and this has been done by the panel secretary , is to take from the various submissions of the participants , the various housing figures , the the various projections of likely need , of the housing requirement and the effective summary really is in P S O one , but when you look at P S O two er there 's a little more detailed work gone into that .
3 Gunpowder had to be collected from the various works in the Lake District and a carter had 12/ a ton for handling this dangerous material .
4 Most importantly , they have demonstrated that the late medieval church was functioning effectively , and that historians have been misguided in relying too heavily on the testimony of condescending sixteenth-century intellectuals like Erasmus who were so hostile towards superstitious and non-biblical religion , while ignoring the perspective of the contemporary rural parishioners , who participated happily in this type of unsophisticated religious life and seemingly gained great spiritual comfort from the various rituals of the liturgical year .
5 Of key importance has been the involvement of staff from the various sections of the Personnel Department .
6 At this stage Castro , at least in public , was holding himself aloof from two disputing tendencies which had emerged from the various parties to the revolution .
7 He then went off to the desert to see Montgomery , accompanied by Shan Hackett , to ask permission to hand-pick volunteers from the various regiments in the Eighth Army .
8 Paul traversed the lane , preferring the smells of horse-dung from the various stables to the constant traffic of the main thoroughfare .
9 Like Domanov 's Cossacks , this heterogeneous group , made up from the various peoples around the Caucasus , including Georgians , Armenians and Azerbaidjani Moslems , had originally joined the German retreat westwards in 1942–3 .
10 The housekeeper was in charge of mending and looking after all the linen from the various parts of the house .
11 Seventeenth July — I joined about 20 Commandos from the various units around the village on a trip to a quiet part of the beach a few miles from our front-line positions .
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