Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [be] [adv] possible [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It may be that one day we shall discover a complete unified theory that predicts them all , but it is also possible that some or all of them vary from universe to universe or within a single universe .
2 We envisage that the path would be mainly used for recreational cycling at weekends and by touring cyclists during the season , but it is also possible that a few commuters from Kirkliston would use it during the week .
3 We envisage that the path would be mainly used for recreational cycling at weekends and by touring cyclists during the season , but it is also possible that a few commuters from Kirkliston would use it during the week .
4 But it is also possible that ( as he once hinted in a press conference ) he might have refused Marshall Aid rather than cave in to Anglo-American pressure on the German issue .
5 But it is also possible and not less agreeable to regard it as the gradual assumption by all the nations concerned of that larger sovereignty which can alone protect their diverse and distinctive customs and characteristics and their national traditions . ’
6 Rugby will not get any change out of Leicester , but it is just possible that Nottingham are now so fired up that they might escape with the point they need at Orrell .
7 It may be that the Breton expedition was intended to keep up pressure on the French to make the sort of concessions the English would feel able to accept , but it is equally possible that the confused direction of English policy reflected conflicting influences at court .
8 It might , of course , mean that that particular person will readily be labelled ‘ deviant ’ , but it is equally possible that an individual could fully appreciate the attitude(s) of the generalized other and yet choose not to act within its framework .
9 Miron 's tentative conclusion is that older staff may become less concerned about teaching as they develop other priorities ; but it is equally possible that students are responding more similarly , and more favourably , to lecturers who are more like themselves .
10 But it is equally possible that he could spoil any chances he might have had by making some political slip .
11 Building union organisation is not as dramatic as a riot , but it is still possible and does offer hope where Steve Platt offers pessimism !
12 ‘ They look at each individual case , but it is certainly possible that Liverpool will be punished for three red cards .
13 But it is quite possible that the programme could go ahead at some point , and it would be comparatively cheap .
14 ? It 's not an animal , but it 's just possible that it 's a dog .
15 But it 's very possible that neither of those will make the final at all .
16 It was possible that he had forgotten to switch it off last night or that he was at work early , but it was also possible that there had been an intruder .
17 But it was just possible that Ash 's own Vico had marginalia missed even by the indefatigable Cropper .
18 But it was clearly possible that W. might at any time decide to refuse consent to some form of treatment , even if it was only the oral administration of medicines , because one of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa is a desire by the sufferer to ‘ be in control ’ and such a refusal would be an obvious way of demonstrating this .
19 I knew nothing of Quigley 's sexual life , but it was entirely possible that Marjorie and Emily were not enough for him .
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