Example sentences of "that [noun] ought to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Appeals can be made on several grounds , for example , that permission ought to be granted , that permission has been granted and that no permission is required .
2 Now that 's something that erm particularly that last point , that audit committees that are established in most efficient companies want to look at and I come back to the point that audit ought to be looked at as something that assists companies in efficiency as well as a mechanism for detecting fraud and yet the government does n't appear to be examining that .
3 He wanted his prose to be objective , scientific , devoid of personal presence , devoid of opinions ; so he decided that poetry ought to be written according to the same principles .
4 If the investor is to syndicate , the management and its advisers should try to play some part in the selection of additional investors ; if an additional director is to be appointed by the syndicate , that director ought to be selected for the experience and talent he can bring to Newco .
5 It might be claimed that studying routine policing in Northern Ireland avoids the real issue of policing in the province and that attention ought to be addressed to those sections of the RUC which are responsible for what Turk ( 1982 ) calls ‘ political policing ’ and Brodeur ( 1983 ) ‘ high policing ’ , such as the Special Branch , the mobile support units , which are in effect riot police , or the various surveillance units like E4A .
6 that , that person ought to be elected as well .
7 That beast ought to be put away . ’
8 Erm so quite apart from fro from that , this approach to the whole question concentrating on parental investment and female choice would not only make us sensitive to female choice in the sense of either submitting to a male or not but secondly it would make us er wonder what happened even after a female had mated and we could predict could n't we that females ought to be discriminating abou about the subsequent fate of any fertilized erm zygote and indeed there 's plenty of evidence to show that human females highly discriminated and far from passive even after they 've been fertilized .
9 that within the EC that information ought to be presented in a standardised fashion so that like can be compared with like irrespective of the member State in which the company was incorporated , but
10 Procedural due process is a matter of the right procedures for judging whether some citizen has violated laws laid down by the political procedures ; if we accept it as a virtue , we want courts and similar institutions to use procedures of evidence , discovery , and review that promise the right level of accuracy and otherwise treat people accused of violation as people in that position ought to be treated .
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